[Bldg-sim] ASHRAE 90.2 Modelling for Estidama (Abu Dhabi)

Claire Das Bhaumik ClaireDasBhaumik at hoarelea.com
Tue Apr 26 04:30:42 PDT 2011

I am carrying out modelling in support of an Estidama (PVRS v1.0)
assessment for a residential development in Abu Dhabi. 


Estidama uses the use the Energy cost method in section 8 of ASHRAE
90.2. However, 90.2 requires the use of HVAC efficiencies in accordance
with federal law. There is currently no federal law regarding
efficiencies of HVAC in Abu Dhabi, although there is the Abu Dhabi
International Building code, which I believe is not yet mandatory but
does include minimum efficiencies.


My questions are:


*	What heating and cooling systems should be used in the baseline
(prescriptive) building?
*	What ventilation system/ fan powers should be used in the
baseline (prescriptive) building? 
*	What should the COPs/ EERs/ efficiencies be for these systems?




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