[Bldg-sim] Job Opportunity in Building Technologies at Lawrence Berkeley Lab - Develop Energy-Efficient Glazing, Shading & Facade-Related Technologies and Systems

Susan McAllister slmcallister at lbl.gov
Thu Feb 24 11:06:04 PST 2011

The Building Technologies Department seeks a Senior Scientific 
Engineering Associate to develop energy-efficient glazing, shading and 
facade-related technologies and systems for very low Energy Buildings 
using simulation tools, lab testing and field studies and then work 
collaboratively with industry to accelerate widespread market adoption 
of these technologies and systems. Details at:  

Susan McAllister, PHR
Sr. Human Resources Division Partner/Recruiting Consultant
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
One Cyclotron Rd, MS 90R2121
Berkeley, CA 94720
Phone 510-486-5683
Fax   510-486-7793


Find me on Facebook and Linkedin

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