[Bldg-sim] existing envelope CIR

Marcus Sheffer sheffer at energyopportunities.com
Mon Feb 28 06:35:36 PST 2011

The CIR is wrong and is in direct contradiction to Appendix G and the Energy
Modeling Guide for LEED.


I have never seen a reviewer cite this CIR in a review.


Marcus Sheffer

Energy Opportunities, Inc/a 7group Company

1200 E Camping Area Road, Wellsville, PA  17365

717-292-2636,  <mailto:sheffer at sevengroup.com> sheffer at sevengroup.com



From: bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org
[mailto:bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Jackson, Alan
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 9:26 AM
To: bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Bldg-sim] existing envelope CIR


Is anyone aware of this CIR being upheld?


12/10/2008 - Credit Interpretation Request

The team is requesting that you please verify the meaning of the sentence in
ASHRAE 90.1, Table G3.1 regarding baseline

envelope requirements for existing buildings.."For existing building
envelopes, the baseline building design shall reflect existing

conditions prior to any revisions that are part of the scope of work being
evaluated". Please confirm if this means that the walls, roof,

windows, etc for the baseline is to be modeled to match the existing
conditions NOT according to the values in Table 5.5-1 thru 5.5-


2/20/2009 - Ruling

If an existing envelope component is untouched, the baseline is as that
component exists. However, if an existing component is

modified, the baseline needs to meet the requirements for alterations in
Section 5.1.3.


It indicates that when modifying the existing envelope, the baseline needs
to meet the minimum requirements of Chapter 5.


Have users in the group received comments from the reviewers when trying to
model modified envelopes at the existing performance values, because all
language regarding this issue other than the CIR indicate that existing
envelopes get to be modeled at existing performance conditions regardless of
any alterations.




Alan Jackson, LEED AP
HVAC Project Engineer / BIM Team Leader

2301 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

P 215.569.2900, ext. 3380
F 215.569.5963
E ajackson at klingstubbins.com <mailto:jdoe at klingstubbins.com> 
W www.klingstubbins.com <http://www.klingstubbins.com/> 


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