[Bldg-sim] Hotel Renovation and ASHRAE 90.1

Jim Dirkes jim at buildingperformanceteam.com
Mon Jul 25 14:13:38 PDT 2011

Dear Forum,

(Excuse cross-posting!)

I'm now modeling a hotel which is seeking LEED certification.  The
"Executive summary" goes like this:

* Lower Level and 1st floor are ~25,000 square feet and contain meeting
rooms, offices, and Lobby.

* Floors 2-12 are guest rooms.

* The building is all-electric, so I'll use Baseline System #2 for guest
rooms and #4 for the remainder.

* The pre-renovation structure was ~80% windows in Climate Zone 2A.

* Post-renovation, the guest rooms floors will be ~45% glass and the
remainder will be ~50% windows.


The part I'm uncertain about is how to model the walls and windows. ASHRAE
90.1 Table G3.1, item 5f says 

"f. Existing Buildings. For existing building envelopes, the baseline
building design shall reflect existing conditions prior to any revisions
that are part of the scope of work being evaluated."

That seems to say that the 80% windows becomes the baseline envelope

On the other hand, the new design will certainly save a LOT of energy!


Please let me know your thoughts about:

a) whether the Baseline walls and windows should be modeled "as original"
for their "U" value, SHGF and ....

b) whether the normal 40% maximum glazing applies to an existing building
renovation for either the Baseline or Proposed design.


Thanks in advance!

I know I'm not the first one to walk this path, but it's the first time I
have walked it!


Description: BPT BizCard JVDII Updated

Envy is precisely the opposite of love. It seeks everything that another
has, including even happiness.  Love, on the other hand, seeks and rejoices
in all things good for the other.


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