[Bldg-sim] Breaking out fan power from EER & COP?

Aleka Pappas apappas at group14eng.com
Fri Nov 18 12:24:14 PST 2011

Hi Morgan,
California's Non-Residential ACM also has a good approach.  Comnet 
probably does as well, but I'm not as familiar with that doc.


*Aleka Pappas, P.E., LEED AP*
Building Energy Engineer***
1325 E. 16th Ave, Denver, CO 80218
Office: 303.861.2070 - Direct: 720.221.1082 - Cell: 720.635.0281
<mailto:swagner at group14eng.com>

On 11/18/2011 12:28 PM, Morgan Heater wrote:
> Hi -- Can someone point me towards a reference that details how to 
> break the fan power out of the EER & COP ratings in the 6.8.1 tables 
> in 90.1?  Specifically, I need the relationship between the EER & COP 
> for PTHP in 6.8.1D with and without fan power included.  Thanks.
> Morgan Heater, P.E.
> morgan at ecotope.com
> 206-322-3753 ext 209
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