[Bldg-sim] LEED Online
robert at wichert.org
Thu Dec 13 11:53:44 PST 2012
That's surprising. I just looked at an old project, and IEQp1 allows
uploads, or at least it did before it was certified.
It has "other documents" right on the bottom for miscellaneous uploads,
and I have one on there called
"IAQ-Prereq-1Technical-Advice-Response.pdf" that I prepared and
uploaded. I have no idea why yours won't allow it.
Robert Wichert P.Eng. LEED AP BD&C
+1 916 966 9060
FAX +1 916 966 9068
On 12/13/2012 9:02 AM, Rob Hudson wrote:
> I have also done that in the past, but the template I am working on
> (IEQp1 in particular) has not allowable uploads on the website, so
> there is no place for me to attach a PDF document or other information.
> Thanks for the response.
> On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 11:57 AM, RobertWichert <robert at wichert.org
> <mailto:robert at wichert.org>> wrote:
> What I have done in the past is to make a document, usually a pdf,
> of my responses as a narrative, for each comment. Revise the
> template and the submittals, but in the narrative pdf, say what
> you did and why you did it. Call the narrative "response to
> comment XXX" or something and upload it to the credit section
> along with the new template, submitals, etc. I have found that
> more documentation is more likely to be approved.
> Robert Wichert P.Eng. LEED AP BD&C
> +1 916 966 9060 <tel:%2B1%20916%20966%209060>
> FAX+1 916 966 9068 <tel:%2B1%20916%20966%209068>
> ===============================================
> On 12/13/2012 8:44 AM, Rob Hudson wrote:
>> I unfortunately am having trouble with the LEED submission
>> process. I have a project that has had its initial Design Review
>> completed and the team would like to submit our responses to the
>> review. Other than making changes to the credits/templates,
>> where can we submit a written narrative response to the review?
>> I have search LEED online, GBCI and other online sites for
>> answers unsuccessfully, they do have some great, user-friendly
>> websites. I tried to avoid writing to the Bldg-sim list for
>> something like this, but i know people out there will have the
>> answer.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> --
>> Rob Hudson
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> Rob Hudson
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