[Bldg-sim] simulation trend opposite to reality (validation)

Jeff Haberl jhaberl at tamu.edu
Wed Nov 14 10:28:21 PST 2012


You should not expect a model to exactly match real data from a real building, unless some very specific things have been done. Unfortunately, residences can sometimes be the worst to calibrate.

The new ASHRAE Guideline 14 will have advice on this, SPC 209 is also looking into this as is the EDF in NYC for multifamily and commercial existing projects to reduce financing uncertainty.

You can find a papers and thesis on our website that discuss efforts by students and faculty in our lab, over the years, for residential and commercial projects, including calibration tools.


Jeff S. Haberl, Ph.D., P.E., FASHRAE
Department of Architecture
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas 77845-3581
Office: 979-845-6507, Lab: 979-845-6065
Fax: 970-862-2457, jhaberl at tamu.edu<mailto:jhaberl at tamu.edu>, www.esl.tamu.edu<http://www.esl.tamu.edu>

On Nov 12, 2012, at 12:07 PM, "Karol Bandurski" <karol.bandurski at put.poznan.pl<mailto:karol.bandurski at put.poznan.pl>> wrote:

Dear All,

I simulate the dwelling in TRNSYS. Last time a try to validate my model and I compare simulation results with measurements.
Heat consumption has been measured in dwelling every week (the same day of week and the same hour).
Trnsys simulation generate results for dwelling’s model with ideal heating assumptions (set temperature 20/21) –NTYPE2 (sensible energy demand).

Total heat consumption (measurements) of dwelling and energy demand (simulation) of simulated model are quite similar (36 weeks from September to June), but if we look on weekly results there are bigger difference with interesting regularity:

if heat consumption decreases from one week to the next, then energy demand increase, and vice versa (I enclose graph).

Could you tell me what can cause this lack of coincidence?
I will be grateful for any hints!

Karol Bandurski MSc.
Institute of Environmental Engineering<http://www.ee.put.poznan.pl/>
Poznan University of Technology

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