[Bldg-sim] Energy Modeling and BIM

Jeff Haberl jhaberl at tamu.edu
Tue Sep 18 08:56:10 PDT 2012


There will also be a Seminar at the ASHRAE Conference which reports on the progress of RP 1468 - Reference BIM models. This ASHRAE RP was created to develop standard BIM-to-thermal translations and then test them with industry BIM programs, for example Bentley and AutoDesk. A final report will be available soon from Mike Vaughn at ASHRAE. In it will be a library of "standard" BIM-to-thermal conversions that will help begin the long process of a attempt to someday get similar results from different BIM programs using different thermal simulation platforms.

Unfortunately, all efforts to date use legacy codes (i.e., DOE-2, EnergyPlus, TRNSYS). There is also an effort with LBNL and TAMU to create BIM-to-thermal using Modelica/Dimola, which is showing some interesting first results at the most basic level.

I'm convinced that this will eventually be the future of simulation...although when/how we replace the millions of lines of legacy FORTRAN remains to be seen.


Session Type: Seminar
Session Title: BIM To Energy Simulation: ASHRAE Research Project 1468
Presentation Title: Development of a Reference Building Information Model (BIM) for Thermal Model Compliance Testing: 1468-RP
Session Date & Times: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 from 3:15 PM to 4:45 PM

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Jeff S. Haberl, Ph.D.,P.E., FASHRAE..............jhaberl at tamu.edu

Professor............................................................Office Ph: 979-845-6507

Department of Architecture.............................Lab Ph:979-845-6065

Energy Systems Laboratory.............................FAX: 979-862-2457

Texas A&M University.....................................77843-3581

College Station, Texas, USA, 77843..................URL:www.esl.tamu.edu

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From: bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org [bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] on behalf of Dennis Knight [dknight at wholebuildingsystems.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 9:52 AM
To: bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Bldg-sim] Energy Modeling and BIM

Dear Bldg-Sim List Subscribers,
More food for thought and discussion:  One session that will be featured at the ASHRAE Energy Modeling Conference is a discussion of Energy Modeling and BIM - or Bridging the Gaps Between BIM and Simulation.

How many of you are or have adopted some form of BIM authoring tool/software in your practice?
If so, what have been your two or three most significant challenges in adopting the technology?
Have you made the move to integrating energy modeling and design analysis (lighting, daylighting, CFD, etc.) with your BIM's?
If so, what has been your personal experience - difficult, easy, useful, not useful, too early, not enough tools that work together yet, etc.
Have you created any smart BIM object for use in analytic applications outside the BIM authoring tool? If so, how did that go?
How could ASHRAE or some other professional association or standards writing body help make integration and interoperability better?
Thanks in advance for considering my questions.

M. Dennis Knight, P.E.
Founder & CEO
Whole Building Systems, LLC
P.O. Box 1845
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29465
Phone: 843-437-3647
Email: dknight at wholebuildingsystems.com<mailto:dknight at wholebuildingsystems.com>
Website: www.wholebuildingsystems.com<http://www.wholebuildingsystems.com>

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