[Bldg-sim] 12th International Radiance Workshop - Videos

Guglielmetti, Robert Robert.Guglielmetti at nrel.gov
Wed Aug 21 13:25:48 PDT 2013

OK folks, the Radiance Workshop recordings are now available on NREL's OpenStudio YouTube channel!

We split the morning and afternoon programs from each day into their own streams, plus there is one for the NREL campus panel discussion from Tuesday afternoon. The entire 18 hours(!) of content can be accessed in order from the following playlist link:


Unfortunately the recording timed out early on some days, so Kera Lagios' DIVA for Rhino demo is unceremoniously halted about halfway through, and the OpenStudio demo does not appear at all. Jack DeValpine makes a fast exit at the end of day two as well. Apologies all around on that score. With compressed video and small type being what they are, you also might want to avail yourself of the high resolution copies of all the presenter slide decks Andy McNeil and LBNL have made available at radiance-online.org:


We left the dead time during the coffee breaks in the streams, so you can pretend you were actually there. Just play back, and during the breaks make small talk about the 5-phase method with your cat. 

One last time, I want to say it was a pleasure and an honor to be able to host the workshop this year. Enjoy!

- Googs

Rob Guglielmetti
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Commercial Buildings Research Group
15013 Denver West Parkway MS: RSF202
Golden, CO 80401   --   303.275.4319
rob.guglielmetti at nrel.gov

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