[Bldg-sim] Minimum Ventilation Air in Proposed and Baseline - Breathing Zone or Outdoor Air Intake
Aaron Smith
asmith at mreng.ca
Mon Dec 16 06:22:42 PST 2013
Thanks, I see that came out in 2010 so it didn't make it into 90.1-2010.
It allows you to claim credit for having zone effectiveness greater than 1.0
but doesn't allow you to claim system efficiency gains.
"Baseline ventilation airflow rates in those
zones shall be calculated using the proposed design Ven-
tilation Rate Procedure calculation with the following
change only. Zone air distribution effectiveness shall be
changed to (Ez)=1.0 in each zone having a zone air distri-
bution effectiveness (Ez)>1.0."
So if your Proposed has a DOAS and the Baseline is VAV, the baseline won't
meet Standard 62.
Aaron Smith, P.Eng
M&R Engineering
From: West, Scott P [mailto:Scott.West at jacobs.com]
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 5:42 PM
To: 'Aaron Smith'; 'bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org'
Subject: RE: [Bldg-sim] Minimum Ventilation Air in Proposed and Baseline -
Breathing Zone or Outdoor Air Intake
ASHRAE 90.1-2007 Addendum bj allows modelers to take energy savings credit
for HVAC systems that increase air distribution effectiveness and use demand
control ventilation. This can therefore result in different ventilation
rates between Baseline and Proposed models. USGBC allows modelers to apply
any ASHRAE Addenda they want for that version of the standard as long as it
is applied uniformly and clearly stated.
Scott P. West, P.E., LEED AP BD+C, BEAP, BEMP | JACOBS | Mechanical Engineer
| Energy & Power Solutions | 817.222.8512 office | 817.897.1882 cell |
scott.west at jacobs.com <mailto:rick.zilar at jacobs.com> | www.jacobs.com
<http://www.jacobs.com/> | <http://www.jacobs.com/energyportfolio>
From: Aaron Smith [mailto:asmith at mreng.ca]
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 2:08 PM
To: bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Bldg-sim] Minimum Ventilation Air in Proposed and Baseline -
Breathing Zone or Outdoor Air Intake
We've received a nice boost in some models in Canada lately as the Proposed
and Baseline designs only need to have the same amount of outdoor air in the
breathing zone under CaGBC Rules. Meaning that if your baseline design is
VAV Reheat and your proposed design is chilled beam and baseboard heating
then your proposed design will have to condition somewhere in the range of
40% less outdoor air due to higher zone effectiveness and system efficiency.
It makes a lot of sense to me and becomes a significant energy savings
Is this allowed by the USGBC or by ASHRAE? I just read in 90.1 in G.
that "Minimum outdoor air ventilation rates shall be the same for the
proposed and baseline designs." That doesn't specify whether they mean in
the breathing zone or outdoor air intake but I think most assume it to be
the outdoor air intake.
Aaron Smith, P.Eng
LEEDR AP BD+C, M-ASHRAE, BEMP, Mechanical Engineer
t: (902) 422-7393
f: (902) 423-4945
e: <mailto:asmith at mreng.ca> asmith at mreng.ca
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