[Bldg-sim] Modeling Laboratory DCV and ASHRAE 62?

James Hansen JHANSEN at ghtltd.com
Mon Feb 4 12:05:36 PST 2013

Hi All,


Does anyone have clarity on modeling OA flow rates in laboratory spaces,
specifically how they relate to the LEED baseline requirement for OA
flow when the proposed model has DCV?  


We have a client that wants a specific ACH rate (100% OA, once-thru
system) that is well above the ASHRAE 62.1 OA requirements for
laboratory space in Table 6-1.  We would like to use VAV hoods,
occupancy-based exhaust modulation, etc.  But since this is considered
DCV, is GBCI really going to require us to bring the lab OA volume(flow
reduction) in the proposed system?


Thanks for any advice!


GHT Limited
James Hansen, P.E., LEED AP
Senior Associate
1010 N. Glebe Road, Suite 200
Arlington, VA  22201-4749
703-243-1200 (office)

703-338-5754 (cell)
703-276-1376 (fax)

www.ghtltd.com <http://www.ghtltd.com/> 


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