[Bldg-sim] Subject: Help: Modelling of Baseline case and Proposed case for IGBC Green homes

Rasheed Ahmad rasheed.jmi at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 03:15:19 PST 2013

Hello All,

I am modelling Base line case and Proposed case for IGBC green homes. So as
per IGBC green homes , performance method , the system should be unit
system BEE 4 star rated . Please help me in putting the values in VISUAL
DOE for BEE 4 star rated unitary system . And same for 5 Star rated BEE
unitary system. Although i had taken PTAC system for unitary system , but
now further i dont know how to model and put values . What should i put in
supply fan power tab ?? Or shud i put EER ?? . I Dont know how to proceed
further. Please help me put. Thanks
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