[Bldg-sim] Binned weather data for US

Graham Carter & Megan Lyall hamnmegs at ozemail.com.au
Thu Jan 31 02:29:54 PST 2013

Interesting topic, I look forward to getting my 2013 Fundamentals.

As we monitor more and more buildings in Australia, we are finding they are less dry bulb sensitive and more dew point or enthalpy sensitive.  This is a result of internal load dropping (lights as low as 5 W/m2 in offices and laptops with LED backlit screens at the docking stations), glass and facade technology improving, water-cooled cooling COPs being higher when drier (CW reset), ventilation rates increasing (higher ventilation loads), and supply air flow rates dropping (lower loads, more water based systems, lower design off-coil temps).  The latter two effects mean less % modulation of economy cycles from minimum outdoor air to full outside air … 

So for me as global warming plays out it will be interesting to see how dew point extremes look relative to dry bulb extremes.  With the oceans warming, there will be more evaporation and storms … .  A colleague informed me that Mackay in northern Queensland (near the Whitsundays and southern edge of the Great Barrier reef) recorded its highest ever dew point temperature on Tuesday at 28.3C with a coincident dry bulb of 32.8C - that's 24.7 g/kg of moisture!

I am not sure what florida's conditions are like, but for us that is very very humid.  Is there a scenario where the dry bulb extremes don't look that bad, but the added moisture in the air is where we get hit?  Most coils will increase their duty as on-coil wet bulb / dew point increases but at a point the cooling plant won't cope particularly with ambient wet bulb rising thus driving CW temperatures up.  So the traditional loads calculations may be a small issue, but the ventilation load and cooling COP could be far greater issues?

Beyond the paper quoted in another thread that Dru has written, are there other people out there looking at the dew point / moisture issue?  kind of like global humidification rather than global warming …


On 12/01/2013, at 2:44 AM, <Dru.Crawley at bentley.com> <Dru.Crawley at bentley.com> wrote:

> ASHRAE Technical Committee 4.2 regularly (every 4 years) updates the design conditions data in the ASHRAE Fundamentals (latest version 2009).
> Chapter 14 Climatic Design Information contains all the normal cooling and heating design conditions (1, 2, 99, 99.6) but a lot more.  And the WDView program allows users to look at frequencies, joint frequency matrices, custom bin the data, and calculated degree-days to any base. 
> A new version of the Fundamentals (2013) is due out this spring with updated period of record (1986-2010) and a new version of the WDView program (5.0).
> The design conditions ARE showing the changes in climate due to urbanization and climatic trends.
> The soon-to-be-published Chapter 14 says:
> " Differences from Previously Published Design Conditions
> ·         Climatic design conditions in this chapter are generally similar to those in previous editions, because similar if not identical analysis procedures were used. There are some differences, however, owing to a more recent period of record (generally 1986-2010 versus 1982-2006). For example, when compared to the 2009 edition, 99.6% heating dry-bulb temperatures have increased by 0.31°F (0.17°C) on average, and 0.4% cooling dry-bulb temperatures have increased by 0.18°F (0.10°C) on average. Similar trends are observed for other design temperatures. The root mean square differences are 0.74°F (0.41°C) for the 99.6% heating dry-bulb values and 0.70°F (0.39°C) for 0.4% cooling dry-bulb. The increases noted here are generally consistent with the discussion in the section on Impacts of Climate Change.
> ·         Further details concerning differences between design conditions in the 2009 edition and 2005 edition are described in Thevenard (2009). Differences between the 2005 edition and the 2001 edition are described in Thevenard et al. (2005). Differences between the 1993 and previous editions are described in Colliver et al. (2000).”
>   And
> “Effects of Climate Change
>> For 1274 observing sites worldwide with suitably complete data from 1977 to 2006, selected design conditions were compared between the period 1977-1986 and 1997-2006. The results, averaged over all locations, are as follows:
> ·         The 99.6% annual dry-bulb temperature increased 2.74°F (1.52°C)
> ·         The 0.4% annual dry-bulb increased 1.42°F (0.79°C)
> ·         Annual dew point increased by 0.99°F (0.55°C)”
> As Joe Huang and others have noted, NREL recently updated the NSRDB to contain data through 2010.  The NSRDB (US locations only) was the source for the TMY3 and a project to create TMY4 is planned.  Environment Canada is also updating the CWEC (Canadian locations) to more recent period of record and more locations as well.  The recently released ASHRAE IWEC2 provide another 3,012 locations outside of the US and Canada.
> As others have noted, there are also AMYs (actual meteorological years) with records up until the last few months available from different sources now including gridded data to 1 kM.
> It’s a lot better than where we were before 2005 with TMY2 (only 239 US locations) and CWEC (originally 55 and now 80 locations)!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org [mailto:bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Alec Stevens
> Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 4:03 PM
> To: bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org
> Subject: Re: [Bldg-sim] Binned weather data for US (not the equest weather file)
> Here's some food for thought (and sorry to hijack this thread):
> I was at an AEE meeting yesterday that included a discussion by a local meteorologist about the increased variability and extremes that are being predicted in weather models for the future (i.e. climate change). 
> What is the feeling in the bldg-sim community as to how useful 1973-1996 binned average data will continue to be when it comes to predicting building operation, loads, and performance in a future that is expected to be more variable and extreme with regards to weather?
> Is anyone preparing a new set of TMY data with more extremes?  Are design day criteria being updated from the historical ASHRAE 1% values?  Will 95
> drybulb/78 wetbulb (for Boston anyway) no longer be the standard?
> Just wondering if our current methods of building simulation (and design) may leave something to be desired.
> Sincerely,
> Alec Stevens
> 300 Chestnut Street, Suite 150
> Needham, MA 02492
> p: 781 449 5700 x11   f:781 449 5710
> e: astevens at dmiinc.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org
> [mailto:bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Jason Glazer
> Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 3:50 PM
> To: bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org
> Subject: Re: [Bldg-sim] Binned weather data for US (not the equest weather
> file)
> The updated Engineering Weather Data to cover 1973-1996 and put it on a CD
> http://ols.nndc.noaa.gov/plolstore/plsql/olstore.prodspecific?prodnum=5005
> It is only $17 now.
> Jason
> On 1/10/2013 2:42 PM, Joe Huang wrote:
> > What do you mean by binned weather data?  Like what was in the Air
> > Force Engineering Weather Data manual from 1978?
> > You might check ASHRAE's Weather Data Viewer that can produce binned
> > temperature data for over 5,000 locations around the world.  It's not
> > free, though, costs $119.
> > 
> > Joe
> > 
> > Joe Huang
> > White Box Technologies, Inc.
> > 346 Rheem Blvd., Suite 108D
> > Moraga CA 94556
> > yjhuang at whiteboxtechnologies.com
> > www.whiteboxtechnologies.com
> > (o) (925)388-0265
> > (c) (510)928-2683
> > "building energy simulations at your fingertips"
> > 
> > 
> > On 1/10/2013 11:48 AM, R B wrote:
> >> Hi All,
> >> Is there a way to get binned weather data for different locations -
> >> preferably free. A quick google search did not come up with anything
> >> concrete.
> >> Thanks
> >> -Rohini
> >> 
> >> 
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> > 
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