[Bldg-sim] Three open positions for advanced building systems at ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Clayton Miller miller.clayton at gmail.com
Sun Feb 16 17:47:58 PST 2014

The Assistant Professorship of Architecture & Sustainable Building
Technologies (SuAT) at ETH Zurich, Switzerland has three immediate openings

Research Assistant / PhD Candidate

in the areas of:

1. Design, Modeling and Integration of Advanced Building Systems
Your task will consist in the design, modelling, simulation and performance
assessment of advanced thermal and mechanical building systems. This
includes component sizing, supervision of the installation, and the
post-installation performance evaluation. Also part of your work will be
the project management related to design integration into the actual
building project.

2. Mechanical/Electrical System Design of Dynamic Façades
Your task will consist in researching, designing and prototyping of an
innovative façade system that successfully integrates individual shading
modules into the architecture of the buildings. This will consists of a
lightweight mechanical structure including routing for the electrical
cables and pneumatic components.

3. Modeling and Control of Soft Robotic Actuators for Architectural
Your tasks will consist in the development and successful implementation of
pneumatic actuator control. This include hardware and software for both
low-level motor control for the individual module, as well as high-level
task control for the entire array comprised multiple modules. You will
compare open vs. closed-loop control strategies and develop classic, model
predictive and advanced controllers. The control strategies will be
evaluated in a long-term real-world scenario including user interaction.

The research of SuAT focuses on new approaches for the design, planning and
operation of buildings as integrated, dynamic systems. The motivation and
aim of our research is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in buildings and
increase the efficiency of energy and resource use of the built
environment. The research is based on the identification and integration of
advanced technologies, methods and processes from the fields of building
systems, information and communication technologies.

The proposed positions are part of an international flagship project to
showcase advances in sustainable building technologies. Please visit our
website (http://suat.arch.ethz.ch/en/open-positions) for more details on
the job descriptions, or apply online at www.jobs.ethz.ch.<
http://www.jobs.ethz.ch.> Please indicate your potential starting date.

Please contact Dr. Zoltan Nagy (nagyz at ethz.ch) with any questions!



Clayton Miller

ITA Doctorate Fellow
miller.clayton at arch.ethz.ch
Phone +41 78 971 72

Architecture & Sustainable Building Technologies
Prof. Dr. Arno Schlüter
ETH Zurich / Building HPZ / Floor G
Schafmattstrasse 32 / CH-8093 Zurich

Institute of Technology in Architecture
Faculty of Architecture / ETH Zurich
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