[Bldg-sim] Fan modulation for VRF fan coils

Porter, Fred AEC FPorter at archenergy.com
Tue May 6 17:12:47 PDT 2014

I had been led to believe that the fans modulated on many VRF indoor units. However, I am now being told by a rep that this is not the case for any larger VRF fan coils, where it really would be valuable as the design W/cfm isn't minimal. Currently the designer does not want the fan coils cycling, and wants to deliver OA to a mixing box, not separately to the space in parallel as was our original recommendation.

Does anyone know a reputable source that contradicts what I've been told?


Fred Porter, BEMP, LEED(c) AP
Senior Energy Analyst
Architectural Energy Corporation
A Member of NORESCO Energy and Sustainability Services
2540 Frontier Ave, Suite 100, Boulder, CO  80301
Phone 303.459.7425 |  fporter at archenergy.com<mailto:fporter at archenergy.com>

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