[Bldg-sim] TRAINING: DesignBuilder/EnergyPlus Training in Two Weeks
Christian Stalberg
christian at naturalintelligence.us
Mon Apr 27 04:08:06 PDT 2015
<http://us10.campaign-archive1.com/?u=a6339f4bf11e3c3b5d88a7911&id=425cb223e6&e=29dfc232a3> View this email in your browser
Two weeks remaining to register. Seats still available for East Coast USA training.
Don't miss this opportunity to be trained in the easiest to use/learn, most powerful building energy performance tool available.
DesignBuilder is an elegant, seamless integration of building energy performance tools encompassing the totality of building energy use, including whole building energy simulation, daylighting and internal/external CFD (computational fluid dynamics).
Suitable for both residential and commercial applications, DesignBuilder was the first graphical user interface (GUI) to EnergyPlus, the 'gold standard' for whole building energy simulation. With more than ten years of development invested, DesignBuilder is the building energy performance tool of choice for today's architects and engineers.
Developed to simplify the process of building simulation, DesignBuilder allows you to rapidly compare the function and performance of building designs and deliver early stage thru final results on time and on budget. Unlike other products that generate results that are broad and indefinite, or do not address daylighting or airflow and 3-D temperature distribution data in and around buildings, DesignBuilder provides a total solution with data results you can have complete confidence in.
The training will be run using version 4 of DesignBuilder and will cover many of the new and enhanced features such as the new geometric modeler with enhanced block geometry editing, the ability to mirror blocks, add individual surfaces, and produce cut-away/section visualizations. Version 4 can produce ASHRAE 90.1 standards compliant baseline models required of various certification and credit programs including LEED, IRS, etc.
The training is suitable for new and experienced users alike. It is fully modular so that people can attend just one or any number of the days.
The course is organized so that architects could attend only the first 2-3 days and the last 2 days are specific to engineers. The focus on day 3 is low energy and passive design modelling and it would therefore be valuable for both architects and engineers.
Locations & Dates
* Durham, North Carolina; May 11-15, 2015
* San Francisco, California; September 21-25, 2015
Discounts are available for students/researchers/faculty and multiple company attendees booking 4 or more days.
Space is limited so we encourage early registration.
<http://designbuilderusa.us10.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=a6339f4bf11e3c3b5d88a7911&id=71728d17d5&e=29dfc232a3> Additional course information and registration.
Are you designing and modeling net zero buildings? What are you waiting for? DesignBuilder is the best software on the market today for that job!
Copyright © 2015 DesignBuilder USA, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
DesignBuilder USA
PO Box 4477
Santa Rosa, CA 95402
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