[Bldg-sim] ETH Zurich Post-Doc and PhD Positions in Urban Energy Systems

Clayton Miller miller.clayton at gmail.com
Thu Jul 30 04:42:34 PDT 2015

Two ETH Zurich research positions are available in Singapore as part of the
Future Cities Lab (http://www.fcl.ethz.ch/):

- Post-doctoral research or research assistant position in the field of
Design Integration of Urban Energy Systems
- PhD position in the field of Urban Energy Systems Modeling and Analysis

See attached PDF's for more information!

Both positions are targeted to start in Nov. 2015.

Please apply online on www.jobs.ethz.ch. For questions please contact
Jimeno A. Fonseca (fonseca at arch.ethz.ch).

Clayton Miller
ITA Doctorate Fellow

miller.clayton at arch.ethz.ch
Swiss +41 78 971 72 50
Singapore +65 8165 2647
USA +1 402 403 0090

Chair of Architecture and Building Systems
Institute of Technology in Architecture (ITA)
ETH Zurich / Building HPZ / Floor G
John-von-Neumann Weg 9 / CH-8093 Zurich
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