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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Geometry
At 09:59 AM 7/25/02, you wrote:
I want to know what is suppose to
be inserted in the
Surface:HeatTransferSub-OutsideFaceEnvironmentObject.Is the surface of
other zone or the name in the UserSuplliedSurfaceName??
Excerpt from the InputOutputReference for HeatTransfer surfaces:
- Field: Outside Face Environment
- This value can be one of several things depending on the actual kind
of surface.
- 1) OtherZoneSurface
if this surface is an internal surface, then this is the choice. The
value will either be a surface in the base zone or a surface in another
zone. The heat balance between two zones can be accurately simulated by
specifying a surface in an adjacent zone. EnergyPlus will simulate
a group of zones simultaneously and will include the heat transfer
between zones. However, as this increases the complexity of the
calculations, it is not necessary to specify the other zone unless the
two zones will have a significant temperature difference. If the
two zones will not be very different (temperature wise), then the surface
should use itself as the outside environment. In either case,
the surface name on the ?outside? of this surface is placed in the next
- 2) ExteriorEnvironment
if this surface is exposed to outside temperature conditions, then this
is the choice. See Sun Exposure and Wind Exposure below for further
specifications on this kind of surface.
- 3) Ground if
this surface is exposed to the ground, then this is the choice. The
temperature on the outside of this surface will be the Ground
- 4) OtherSideCoeff
if this surface has a custom, user specified temperature or other
parameters (See OtherSideCoefficient specification), then this is the
choice. The outside face environment will be the name of the
OtherSideCoefficient specification.
- Field: Outside Face Environment Object
- If neither OtherZoneSurface or OtherSideCoeff are specified for the
Outside Face Environment (previous field), then this field should be left
- As stated above, if the Outside Face Environment is
?OtherZoneSurface?, then this field?s value must be the surface name
whose inside face temperature will be forced on the outside face of the
base surface. This permits heat exchange between adjacent zones
(interzone heat transfer) when multiple zones are simulated, but can also
be used to simulate middle zone behavior without modeling the adjacent
zones. This is done by specifying a surface within the zone. For
example, a middle floor zone can be modeled by making the floor the
Outside Face Environment for the ceiling, and the ceiling the Outside
Face Environment for the floor. Note that zones with interzone heat
transfer are not adiabatic and the internal surfaces contribute to gains
or losses. Adiabatic surfaces are modeled by specifying the base surface
itself in this field.
- Equally, if the Outside Face Environment, is ?OtherSideCoeff?, then
this field?s value must be the OtherSideCoefficient name.
And from the HeatTransfer:Sub
- Field: Outside Face Environment Object
- If the base surface has Outside Face Environment = OtherZone or
OtherSideCoeff, then this field must also be specified for the
subsurface. Otherwise, it can be left blank.
- If OutsideFaceEnvironment for the base surface is OtherZone, this
field should specify the subsurface in the opposing zone that is the
counterpart to this subsurface. The constructions of the subsurface
and opposing subsurface must match, except that, for multi-layer
constructions, the layer order of the opposing subsurface?s construction
must be the reverse of that of the subsurface.
- If OutsideFaceEnvironment for the base surface is OtherSideCoeff,
this field could specify the set of Other Side Coefficients for this
subsurface. If this is left blank, then the Other Side Coefficients
of the base surface will be used for this subsurface. Windows
and GlassDoorsare not allowed to have Other Side Coefficients.
So, to answer your question specfically,
If the base surface is an interzone surface (i.e. OtherZone case),
then this field should be the name of the surface (HeatTransfer:Sub) in
the opposing Zone.
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