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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Daylighting

Go to the AuxliaryPrograms.pdf documentation.
A list of the weather variables and whether they are
used or not begins on page 28 (37 of the PDF).

Illuminance data is currently NOT used by EnergyPlus--it
is calculated at runtime.

                      "Linda Lawrie"
                      <linda@xxxxxxxxxx        To:       EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                      >                        cc:
                                               Subject:  Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Daylighting
                      09/07/2004 10:45
                      Please respond to

At 06:42 AM 9/7/2004, Peter G. Loutzenhiser wrote:
>I have created a TMY2 weather file using
>measured date that are taken at a research facility and would like to know
>which quantities are important and which can be neglected.

Near the end of the InputOutput Reference document, and I think in the
auxiliary programs document as well, there is a section on the weather file

data and shows in bold the items that are being used in the EnergyPlus

I would have to look at the code to see specifically how the daylighting
calculations make use of the items from the weather file.


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