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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] IFCtoIDF and IFC HVAC Interface Questions
I want to know how can i make a IFC file with architectural desktop, normally is one of the three CAD software able to write in this file type.
thank you,
Rob Hitchcock <RJHitchcock@xxxxxxx> a écrit :
IFCtoIDF is a utility that imports building geometry from an IFC data
file and exports an EnergyPlus IDF with an energy simulation view (i.e.,
thermal view) of that geometry. IFCtoIDF has been developed using the
BSPro middleware for IFC import. We are currently working with the
developer of BSPro to iron out problems in IFCtoIDF in using the latest
update of BSPro.
Since IFCtoIDF is designed to work with the IFC data format, independent
from the CAD environment that generates an IFC data file, it is intended
to work with any IFC data file from any CAD vendor. In reality, this is
problematic since different CAD vendors implement their IFC export in
different ways. This issue becomes important when you also have to
transform what might be called the "architectural view" created in the
CAD environment, into a "thermal view" necessary for energy simulation
(e.g., subdividing a floor/ceiling slab covering the entire building
footprint into surfaces bounding thermal zones above and below the slab).
With this background in mind, I have appended responses from a colleague
to your specific questions below.
Rob Hitchcock
Robert J. Hitchcock, Ph.D.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1 Cyclotron Road, Mailstop 90-3111
Berkeley, CA 94720
Q: Am I correct in understanding that the IFCtoIDF utility is one
A: Yes.
Q: And you cannot convert back to IFC from IDF??
A: Correct - you cannot rewrite building geometry without an appropriate
CAD tool.
Q: Has anyone had success moving information from Revit to E+?
A: Yes, but only on an experimental basis.
Q: If not Revit are there other CAD style or IFC editors anyone has had
luck using?
A: You need to use a model based CAD tool that can output a valid IFC2x2
file. ArchiCAD 9 is one such example.
Q: IFCtoIDF only deals with building geometry?
A: Yes. Another tool is under development that will do more (e.g.
import construction material layers defined in CAD).
Q: Am I looking for the wrong name of the ["IFC HVAC interface"] software?
A: The full, correct name is "IFC HVAC interface to EnergyPlus."
Q: Has anyone used this software?
A: Only in testing.
Q: Does anyone know how/where to get this software?
A: A beta version based on IDD versions 1.1.0 and 1.1.1 is available
from LBNL upon request - contact this writer.
Q: Does it actual[ly] work as described (Convert IFC mechanical
information into and back out of IDF format)?
A: It does in tests performed so far.
Dr. Vladimir Bazjanac
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
mcdonaldce05 wrote:
> Howdy,
> I have a number of questions and if you can answer any of them that
> would be of great help. I am interested in the IFC to IDF file
> conversion capabilities mentioned on the DOE website. I've downloaded
> the IFCtoIDF utility and installed the BSPro COM server. I also have
> Autodesk Revit installed on the machine and am trying to convert
> simple buildings over to Energy Plus.
> Am I correct in understanding that the IFCtoIDF utility is one
> directional?
> And you cannot convert back to IFC from IDF?
> Has anyone had success moving information from Revit to E+?
> If not Revit are there other CAD style or IFC editors anyone has had
> luck using?
> IFCtoIDF only deals with building geometry?
> I've read about a utility called the "IFC HVAC interface". However, I
> could not nail down if it was even released. Here are some questions
> about that.
> Am I looking for the wrong name of the software?
> Has anyone used this software?
> Does anyone know how/where to get this software?
> Does it actual work as described (Convert IFC mechanical information
> into and back out of IDF format)?
> Can anyone share experiences using this?
> If you have any information or experiences with any of the questions
> above or are also interested in this type of information re-use using
> IFC please feel free to contact me.
> -Christopher
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> http://www.energyplus.gov
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