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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Run without EP-Launch @NO2
Since RunEPlus is a batch file, it reads the inputs on a single line
where <input_file_name> = %p1 and <weather_file_name> = %p2.
Since DOS will execute each line you type at the prompt and complete
before returning control to the DOS prompt, you can not "pass" the
weather file name on the second line. The fatal error occurs because the
weather file was not included on the first line shown below (as the
second parameter). The batch file will have to be edited or a new batch
file created to accomplish your goal.
If you could give a better explanation of how and why you would like to
do this, maybe the support team could come up with some suggestions.
daiounomiso wrote:
> Hello.
> I have another question about running EnergyPlus using RunEPlus.bat.
> That way was shown in GettingStarted.pdf.
> For example, if I will install EnergyPlus into [D:\EnergyPlusV1-2-3],
> I could run EnergyPlus by writting as follows in DOS Window.
> D:\EnergyPlusV1-2-3>RunEPlus <input_file_name> <weather_file_name>
> I understand it and a test is coplete,
> but I hope to make a success of another way.
> I hope that EnergyPlus can run by writting as follows.
> C:\>D:\EnergyPlusV1-2-3>RunEPlus <input_file_name>
> <weather_file_name>
> But it brings Fatal Error, and a simulation terminates.
> Would you tell me the way if I can make a success of this run
> by modifying the batch file and so on?
> Thank you in advance.
> Tetsuji
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Richard A. Raustad
Senior Research Engineer
Florida Solar Energy Center
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Fax: (321) 638-1439 or 1010
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