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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] VAV Max Iterations
I uncovered a problem with the order of the controllers in the COMPACT
HVAC:SYSTEM:VAV controller list. This will be fixed for the upcoming release.
However, fixing the controller order does not eliminate the max iteration
In this case, it seems to be because the central heating coil and cooling coil
setpoints in the VAV air loops are too close to each other. The cooling
setpoint is 12.778C, and the heating setpoint is 12.222C. Changing the heating
coil setpoint to 10.0C eliminated the max iteration errors on the design days,
but not on the annual simulation - but without fixing the order of the
controller list. Removing the central heating coil and letting the reheat
coils handle all of the heating loads also eliminated the max iteration errors
on the design days.
I will look at this further next week.
On 22 Sep 2006 at 19:22, asheaffe wrote:
> Like some others, I am having trouble with a VAV system. The max
> iterations errors are returned (several thousand) and I cannot figure
> out how to mitigate them. I uploaded the zip file "HospitalRecoiled",
> can anyone figure out what is wrong here?
> Thanks,
> Andrew
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Michael J. Witte, GARD Analytics, Inc.
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