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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Initial value
At 04:13 PM 10/23/2006, David Barrera wrote:
>You mean that looking for "warmup" I'll find out about
>how to modify the tilt or just about boundary
>conditions, or both.
Looking for warmup, you will learn about the intial boundary
conditions that are used and "warmup convergence" -- that happens
before the final simulation and results.
For Tilt of roofs and floors, you have to specify the coordinates in
the order you have given in the "SurfaceGeometry" object. All (I
think) of our example files use "Counter Clockwise" to specify the
coordinates. If you specify them "clockwise" instead, you will get a
180 degree tilt from what you want. Or another way to think of it
is to "look" from the outside of the roof and specify the coordinates that way.
so, if you have a flat roof at 4.5 meters above horizontal,
specifying (counter clockwise):
(0.0 , 15.24 , 4.5)
(0.0 , 0.0 , 4.5)
(5.24 , 0.0 , 4.5)
(15.24 , 15.24 , 4.5)
gives you a flat roof of the proper tilt.
(0.0 , 15.24 , 4.5)
(15.24 , 15.24 , 4.5)
(5.24 , 0.0 , 4.5)
(0.0 , 0.0 , 4.5)
will give you a roof (I think -- I didn't check this -- just reversed
the coordinates) of improper tilt.
Look up Tilt or SurfaceGeometry in the documentation. I think there
is a fair explanation there.
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