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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Summary of inaccuracies simulating atria. Are they correct?
1. When it done with "holes" in each floor depends on how they are defined.
If you are using DesignBuilder, you need to ask their support team what "hole"
mean. If those holes are designated as horizontal airflow openings, they will
have an impect, however it's not necessarily an accurate impact. If you define
those "holes" as windows, they can transmit sunlight, but the sunlight will be
diffuse after the first interior window.
2. Yes, each wall of a single tall zone adjacent to 5 separate zones
(different floors in this case) would be described as 5 separate wall surfaces
stacked vertically.
On 12 Feb 2007 at 17:45, David Barrera wrote:
> I?ve read mails and information in the E+ yahoo group
> about atria and comfort simulations and I need to
> verify I have not misunderstood:
> I´m starting the characterization of a 10 sotories
> building and at this point i have two questions:
> 1) Is it possible to create two contiguous zones in
> such a way that there is no surface dividing these two
> zones? I want to do this to visualize the difference
> between thermal comfort of those people who works next
> to the windows and those who works in the core of the
> building, away from sunlit windows.
> Michael J Witte wrote:
> 1. With and inter zone window you can pass solar
> radiation between zones, but will be no convective
> exchange.
> 2. Defining Mixing, Cross Mixing models you can have
> convective exchange, but radiant exchange will not be
> present.
> Andy Tindale wrote about atria and AirflowNetwork
> model:
> There are basically two possible approaches when
> modeling tall spaces such as atria using
> EnergyPlus/AIRNET (or any other simulation program
> coupled with multi-zone airflow simulators):
> 1. Model the atrium as a single tall space or,
> 2. Model the atrium as a series of horizontal slices
> with air flow connections between them.
> Option 1, where the atrium is modeled as a single
> space is the best option when using EnergyPlus/AIRNET
> because:
> 1. There?s no reliable way to get solar radiation pass
> through multiple horizontal slices in the general
> case.
> 2. AIRNET openings are assumed to be LVO (Large
> Vertical Openings) and for openings that are
> horizontal or near horizontal (LHO) no claims for
> accuracy are made.
> I understand from this that any simulation in which I
> don?t enter gradient temperatures or another kind of
> information about the stratification in the space will
> have an inaccuracy because of ignoring either radiant
> or convective exchange between zone (both at the same
> time can not be considered). Is that correct? In fact
> the effect of define the ?holes? in each floor so we
> can build the atrium seem to be null, isn?t it?
> When Nichole Chen mailed asking about ?how to simulate
> an atrium and its adjacent zones? the answer was to
> define inter zone walls. If an inter zone element is
> defined twice, once for each zone, this means that I
> should define the inter zone wall for 1) the adjacent
> office, and 2) what other zone? If I had an atrium of
> 5 floors, and following the suggestion of considering
> the atrium as a single zone, I would have 20 walls to
> define just one zone (4walls x 5 levels)? I don?t
> know, I don?t get very well this point.
> Thanks a lot.
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