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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] A Question About Warnings.
Question 1: You can verify if the warning is correct by looking at the
Environment:Outdoor Dry Bulb and DX Coil Total Cooling Rate report
variables. For the time that you see the warning, check if the DX coil
is operating and verify that the outdoor dry-bulb temperature is above
0C. When the outdoor dry-bulb temperature is below 0C and the DX coil is
operating, you will see this warning. If this warning is false, try
downloading the new version of EnergyPlus 2.0, there was some work
performed to make warnings more readable and reliable with this new
version. It should be released within the next few days..
Question 2: EnergyPlus gives warnings to help the user perform
simulations. Wether it be to help with setting up the input file with
equipment node connections, or to warn the user that performance issues
exist with the equipment selected for the simulation. This particular
warning tells you that DX cooling equipment should not be operated at
very cold outdoor dry-bulb temperatures. This type of operation can
damage the equipment due to poor oil circulation. Although you can not
damage a DX compressor in a simulation, you can damage it in real life
and this warning is meant to help you select the appropriate type of
equipment for your application. Cooling is not typically required when
the outdoor temperatures are very cold. If cooling is required when
outdoor temperatures are very low, maybe a hydronic system would be
better served in your climate.
xjtu.guowei wrote:
> Dear All:
> During my simulation, I met a warning which said:
> COOLING COIL" - Air-cooled condenser inlet dry-bulb temperature below
> 0 C. Outdoor dry-bulb temperature = -0.35
> But there is no severe error.
> I have two questions:
> 1. Can I believe the results with this kind of warning?
> 2. Why does E+ need to give me such a warning? What does this warning
> mean?
> Thank you very much.
Richard A. Raustad
Senior Research Engineer
Florida Solar Energy Center
University of Central Florida
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