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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Strange Dates in Daylighting Map
Thanks for the prompt reply,
Yes viewing the stat files, I found many differences, although both start with the same data and the sentence: "Using Design Conditions from "Climate Design Data 2005 ASHRAE Handbook"", do you advise to stick to using IWEC? ..its use result in higher cooling loads, similar cooling and solar gains through windows values for eastern and western orientations, which I think more reasonable than the results using ETMY; markedly less values for eastern orientation... what do you think?
Thanks, regards
Linda Lawrie <linda@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The ETMY file and the IWEC file are two different weather files for
the same location. Look at the .stat files of each for an indication
of differences.
At 12:17 PM 8/5/2007, Abeer M. Eisa wrote:
> Re weather files; when trying to manually change the time zone to
> 2 in the ETMY file and using it, this yielded in different (less
> required sensible cooling) from the results when using the IWEC file, ??
> Any possible reasons? isn't the onnly difference the time zone value?
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Abeer M. Eisa
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