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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Design coil load is zero


What version of the program are you running?

Fred Buhl

Filipe madureira wrote:
> Hi all,
> I’m trying to simulate a Constant Volume Air Handling Unit to control
> temperature in a single zone. The AHU has a constant volume fan and a
> cooling coil. Heating is provided by a terminal reheat coil.
> To control the exit cooling coil air temperature I’ve defined a
> controller:simple and a Set - point manager: Warmest to reset the cooling
> coil air temperature.
> To control zone temperature, I’ve defined a dual set-point with deadband
> thermostat (heating set-point temperature 20ªC, cooling set-point
> temperature 24ºC). 
> The total air system and  outside air volumetric  flow rates are known. For
> this reason, in the zone sizing object I’ve defined the cooling  and heating
> design air flow method to “flow/zone” and input the desired flow rates. I’ve
> defined also the outside air flow rate.
>     P1 - Sala_Cirurgia,      !- Name of a zone
>     16,                      !- Zone cooling design supply air temperature
> {C}
>     25,                      !- Zone heating design supply air temperature
> {C}
>     0.008,                   !- Zone cooling design supply air humidity
> ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
>     0.008,                   !- Zone heating design supply air humidity
> ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
>     flow/zone,               !- outside air method
>     0,                       !- outside air flow per person {m3/s}
>     1.167,                   !- outside air flow per zone {m3/s}
>     1,                       !- zone sizing factor
>     flow/zone,               !- cooling design air flow method
>     5.139,                   !- cooling design air flow rate {m3/s}
>     flow/zone,               !- heating design air flow method
>     5.139;                   !- heating design air flow rate {m3/s}
> As I’ve read in the mailing list and in the EnergyPlus documentation, the
> flow rates are sized on the sum of zone air flow rates. If I define
> flow/zone method, design calculated flow rates are override. For this
> reason,  I didn’t change the flow rate fields in the System Sizing to let
> the program compute the flows I’ve entered in the zone sizing object.
>     UTA_BO 2,                !- name of an AIR PRIMARY LOOP object
>     sensible,                !- type of load to size on
>     autosize,                !- Design (minimum) outside air volumetric flow
> rate {m3/s}
>     1,                       !- minimum system air flow ratio
>     7,                       !- Preheat design set temperature {C}
>     16,                      !- Central cooling design supply air
> temperature {C}
>     25,                      !- Central heating design supply air
> temperature {C}
>     noncoincident,           !- Sizing Option
>     no,                      !- Cooling 100% Outside Air
>     no,                      !- Heating 100% Outside Air
>     0.008,                   !- Central cooling design supply air humidity
> ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
>     0.008,                   !- Central heating design supply air humidity
> ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
>     design day,              !- cooling design air flow method
>     ,                        !- cooling design air flow rate {m3/s}
>     design day,              !- heating design air flow method
>     ;                        !- heating design air flow rate {m3/s}
> In the components (coils, fan…) I left the fields with the autosize option.
> To simulate a worst case scenario, I defined the day type as WinterDesignDay
> and defined the internal gains schedule to off for this day. 
> I ran the sizing objects and the design day simulation and I’ get the
> following warning:
> ** Warning ** The design coil load is zero for COIL:Water:SimpleHeating P1 -
>    **   ~~~   ** The autosize value for max water flow rate is zero
>    **   ~~~   ** To change this, input a value for UA, change the heating
> design day, or lower
>    **   ~~~   **   the system heating design supply air temperature
> To debug the problem I’ ve asked the following report variables:
>                 Zone/Sys Sensible Load Predicted
>             Zone/Sys Thermostat Heating Setpoint
> I don’t understand why I get this warning because zone temperature is lower
> than the set-point, a heating load is predicted and the thermostat heating
> set point is 20ºC. I also checked the component connections,  flow rates and
> availability schedules and everything seems to be alright. 
> I’m missing something? Could anyone help me?
> Thanks in advance for your help
> Best regards
> Filipe Madureira
> Tel: +351 919 293 876 | E-mail: filipe.madureira@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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> FluidInova, Engenharia de Fluidos, SA
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