A problem in the Intel compiler may cause some Windows 7
users to experience "hang" with several of our programs.
Surprisingly, this does not appear to be the case with EnergyPlus.
The programs (so far) that seem to be having problems have been placed
into the download area of the helpdesk.
(You may need to create a login to download)
If you go to the "Uploads since last release area" and then
"Windows 7 users", there are three files available for
ReadVarsESO.exe (goes into the PostProcess folder)
HVAC-Diagram.exe (goes into the PostProcess folder)
ExpandObjects.exe (goes into the main EnergyPlus folder)
Transition-V3-1-0-to-V4-0-0.exe (goes into the main EnergyPlus folder
and, if you have the rest of the transition programs, into the
PreProcess\MultipleTransition folder)
The transitions.zip file has also been updated but only with the above
change -- the rest will be updated in a day or two.
Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused. The Intel fix was
released shortly before or shortly after release and we missed the nuance
(and our testing was fine) for certain Windows 7 systems.
Please report any other problems (or if these don't fix the problem) that
you find with Windows 7 operations.