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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Desiccant System

Search for Desiccant Dehumidifier Package in the Engineering Reference (pg 683 V5).

On 9/30/2010 7:28 AM, grandocu wrote:

Hello All,

Does anyone have an example of a desiccant system being placed in an airloop? There are example .idf files but they all seem to have it placed in the outdoor air system. I want to have the process air inlet directly after the cooling coil object to dehumidify the process air. If no one has any examples an explanation might prove just as helpful. Do you include it in the main air branch or make a new one and add it to the branchlist? Any information would be much appreciated. Thank you.

Richard A. Raustad
Senior Research Engineer
Florida Solar Energy Center
University of Central Florida
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