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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Distribution licence??

No, for that you do not need a distribution license.

At 09:24 AM 2/22/2011, Vladimir Bajic wrote:


I am currently developing a CAD based user interface software for energy plus that will be commercial but I won't (at least in the beginning) deploy Energy Plus files as part of the package. It will be the responsibility of the end user to install Energy Plus files on the computer. My software will create idf file and point it to an Energy Plus engine location. My question is: Do I still need a distribution licence?

Thank you,


From: Linda Lawrie <linda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Tue, February 22, 2011 9:31:40 AM
Subject: Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Adding a new module


Theoretically, you could send the module to the developers for review, but there are a few more steps that you would need to do (documentation, example file, etc).

Collaborative developers or developers with access to source are the third party ways we have done new developments.  Licensing details can be found here:

A collaborative developer has access to source code, the developer's yahoo group, and other resources.  We also would discuss new features at our twice monthly conference calls (including the developer) and suggest changes, etc. 

Let me know if you wish to pursue this further (private email preferred).

The only ways to implement something without access to source code is either to make an EMS program internal to EnergyPlus simulation or perhaps a module in BCVTB or MatLab using those facilities to link in with the simulation.

At 02:44 AM 2/22/2011, omartabuyo wrote:
Dear all,

I am developing a new module. It is a radiant system.

If i have desinged and i have inserted the new entry into the Input Data Dictionary and i have constructed the module in Fortran90/95 programming...

How can i add this new module to energy plus?
I have been reading the developer's guide, in page 43 'Inserting the new module into the program', but i dont understand what i should do exactly. Can you help me?

Others questions:

Is it possible 'to link' my new module to energy plus wihtout the sorce code?

Does exist any programm which do that?


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