I wonder about the "Iteration principle" between COMIS(Integrated to E+:Airflow network) and E+
I wonder whether this ping-pong or onion method.
Maybe you know what ping-pong and onion but I'll explain regarding this briefly.
Ping- pong iteration
(1) In time step "t" Comis calculate the airflow rate and then this information is transferred to E+ heat balance model.
(2) In time step "t+1" E+ calculate the zone temperature based on the airflow rate information from COMIS and then temp. information is transferred to COMIS to calcaulte airflow rate.
Onion iteration
(1) In the timestep "t" E+ and Comis transfer temp and airflow rate information each other and update them until the residual is below the converge criteria
(2) If the criteria is satisfied, E+ and Comis starting the calculation of next time step "t+1"
I don't know what iteration method E+ adopted.
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