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[EnergyPlus_Support] Re: Zone FanCoils and an AHU


I have "UTA" as one AHU circuit to treat the air temperature of zone 22 and zone 26, as they are supossed to be two small cirgury rooms and have to have an independente system, they have to have at least 100 m3/h.occupant each. Zone 03, 16 and 31 are circulating corridoors, they only have fresh air at 5 m3/s.m2. Zones 11, 20 and 37 are stairways and also have 5 m3/s.m2 of fresh air. Zones 10, 19 and 36 are WC's and have 10 air changes per hour. Zone 17 is a storage room and has 2 air changes per hour.

So zones 3, 10, 11, 16, 17, 19, 20, 31, 36, 37 do NOT require to get zone mean air temperatures of 20/25ºC (winter/summer), just fresh air.
Zones 22 and 26, are required to have 20/24 ºC (winter/summer), so this is why I choose the setpoint SetointManager:SingleZone:Heating "UTAsp01" and SetointManager:SingleZone:Cooling "UTAsp02", only with this setpoint manager setup do I get temperatures in the range of 20/24ºC, I have tried others without sucsess.

All the other zones have FanCoils to get air temperature to 20/25ºC (winter/summer), but the outside air has to come from an AHU, this is why I created another air circuit called UTAN, this will only supply the fresh air requirements at 35 m3/h.occupant. For the fresh air temperature I have changed the setpoint manager to SetpointManager:Scheduled.

I use a common fresh air intake also, because I will apply heat recovery later on.

I sent a file with some problems I have resolved, it was because of the sizing options that I got a high value for the "UTAN" air loop Coils. I know some geometery is giving errors, but I got the geometry from DesignBuilder, and I cannot get it to not give those errors, but at least they are not severe. I think everything is working relatively OK with the file I am sending. Now I am going to change the autosize options to the values that E+ gave, then if everything is working, I shall apply rotary heat recovery in the air loops.

Thank-you for the help,
Best Regards,

Files here: http://f1.grp.yahoofs.com/v1/AJ_HTf7PT1PWy7XM24LiW3d3_fhrIdOMj_jUv7363TGl0-ywY0AxJ_Te5v2zaW65IwFcZCZCa5d5GDZsAx9lmQJ-NVT5SIlJ0nij/_Problem_Submittals/Zoneametno_Teste_04.zip

Edit: I have solved the zones 01, 07, 14, 15, 18, 23, 25, 27, 29 and 33 minimum temperature issue. It was the Boiler, I changed from VariableFlow to ConstantFlow.


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