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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] SVG Viewer
Hi Mathew
Try Inkscape:
And it's free
Citando Matthew Anderson <matthew.sverre.anderson@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Hello Everybody,
> I currently use Windows 7, and Adobe has discontinued support for the SVG
> viewer and the plugin does not work for Windows 7 (as far as I can tell)
> which means that I cannot figure out a way to view an HVAC diagram after I
> model it in EnergyPlus. Does anybody have a good alternative or suggestion
> for how to get the SVG viewer to work?
> Thank you,
> Matthew Sverre Anderson
Miguel Pacheco
Doutorando / Graduate Student
Laboratório de Eficiência Energética em Edificações - LabEEE
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC
Florianópolis: 55 48 3721 5184 / 55 48 3721 5185
São Paulo: 55 11 3091 2510
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