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[EnergyPlus_Support] Re: GBR_Ebbw.Vale.Wales_MN6 weather file does not contain SizingPeriod:DesignDay
- To: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [EnergyPlus_Support] Re: GBR_Ebbw.Vale.Wales_MN6 weather file does not contain SizingPeriod:DesignDay
- From: "motabmx1" <motabmx1@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2011 12:07:24 -0000
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Dear Mr Dirkes,
The 200 I think comes from this table:
Monthly Wind Direction % {N=0 or 360,E=90,S=180,W=270}
Jan Jul Aug
North 9 11 12
NorthEast 1 6 6
East 8 4 6
SouthEast 12 6 6
South 16 12 16
SouthWest 20 14 5
West 23 (28) 22
NorthWest 11 18 27
This table is from the weather file, I am not sure if is a type mistake and the figure should be 270 as is (28) days the most commom wind
--- In EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Jim Dirkes" <jim@...> wrote:
> Regarding 200 degree. Think of the compass as a circle. North is 0 degrees, South is 180 degrees. 200 degrees is aa little West of due South.
> The Building Performance Team
> James V. Dirkes II, P.E., BEMP , LEED AP
> 1631 Acacia Drive NW
> Grand Rapids, MI 49504
> 616 450 8653
> From: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Mota Fernando
> Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 7:15 AM
> To: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] GBR_Ebbw.Vale.Wales_MN6 weather file does not contain SizingPeriod:DesignDay
> Dear Dr Li,
> I have a query about wind direction where does the 200 degree figure come from?
> Thanks
> From: Dru Crawley <dbcrawley@...>
> To: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 10:43 AM
> Subject: Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] GBR_Ebbw.Vale.Wales_MN6 weather file does not contain SizingPeriod:DesignDay
> For locations such as Ebbw Vale where there are not design conditions in the ASHRAE Handbook, the design condtions noted in the .STAT for THIS FILE ONLY -- not the longer period of record in the ASHRAE Handbook. (That's why there are no data listed in the .DDY.)
> You should compare these with the data for nearby locations in the ASHRAE Handbook. They could vary significantly.
> On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 1:23 PM, YuanLu Li <yli006@...> wrote:
> From the MN6 weather file the .ddy has the following:-
> Site:Location,
> Ebbw Vale_Wales_GBR Design_Conditions, !- Location Name
> 51.78, !- Latitude {N+ S-}
> -3.21, !- Longitude {W- E+}
> 0.00, !- Time Zone Relative to GMT {GMT+/-}
> 298.00; !- Elevation {m}
> ------------------------------------
> The following is from the .stat file:-
> Statistics for GBR_Ebbw.Vale.Wales_MN6
> Location -- Ebbw Vale Wales GBR
> {N 51° 46'} {W 3° 12'} {GMT +0.0 Hours}
> Elevation -- 298m above sea level
> Standard Pressure at Elevation -- 97796Pa
> Data Source -- MN6
> -------------------
> Design Stat Coldest Month HDB 99.6% HDB 99%
> Units {} {C} {C}
> Heating 1 -5.5 -4.8
> Design Stat Hottest Month CDB .4% CDB 1% CDB 2% CDP .4% CDP 1% CDP 2%
> Units {} {C} {C} {C} {C} {C} {C}
> Cooling 8 22.3 21.8 20.9 18.6 17.6 16.6
> ------------------
> From the next table, the corresponding minimum temperature is 5.0°C for August and 5.4°C for July. The maximum for July is 22.1°C. 22.3 and 5.4 combination is warmer.
> Therefore use 22.3 and 16.9 is as the max and difference in the DesignDay Data.
> Dew points for the two months are: 18.5 and 18.8. (WetBulb)
> Barometer reading: 97796.
> ============================
> Site:Location,
> Ebbw Vale_Wales_GBR HDB 99.6% , !- Name
> ===================
> The indented lines have been changed using the above data.
> ---------------
> SizingPeriod:DesignDay,
> Ebbw Vale_Wales_GBR Annual Cooling 0.4% Design Conditions , !- Name
> 22.3, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
> 16.9, !- Daily Temperature Range {deltaC}
> 18.5, !- Humidity Indicating Conditions at Maximum Dry-Bulb
> 97796., !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
> 3.0, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
> 200, !- Wind Direction {deg}
> 1.0, !- Sky Clearness
> 0, !- Rain Indicator
> 0, !- Snow Indicator
> 21, !- Day of Month
> 7, !- Month
> SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
> 0, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
> WetBulb; !- Humidity Indicating Type
> ========================
> You can copy any other DesignDay object for Winter and modify using the heating data from the .stat file. -5.5, 0, -5.5 and 0.0 for the sky clearness (no sun)
> Hope this will help.
> TMY data exclude the extreme cases. You can use the sizing multiplying factor to increase or decrease the autosized equipment. Dr. Li
> To: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> From: motabmx1@...
> Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2011 07:27:03 -0700
> Subject: Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] GBR_Ebbw.Vale.Wales_MN6 weather file does not contain SizingPeriod:DesignDay
> Dear Mr. Crawley,
> Thanks for your quick replay. I have attached the map that you forwarded to me with same weather files that may be closer enough to the ebbw vale file. I wonder if as you mentioned in your previous e-mail, I could get them from you.
> Many thanks
> Fernando
> From: Dru Crawley <dbcrawley@...>
> To: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 11:36 PM
> Subject: Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] GBR_Ebbw.Vale.Wales_MN6 weather file does not contain SizingPeriod:DesignDay
> Unless there was design data available in the ASHRAE Handbook, the Meteonorm files that we created do not have the design day objects. Suggest finding a nearby location with similar climate and elevation and use the data from there.
> My knowledge of Wales topography and geography is poor -- if one of the pins on the attached map look close, let me know and I'll send you the data.
> On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 6:17 PM, motabmx1 <motabmx1@...> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I wonder if you can help me in the foolowing matter.
> I download from this page the file GBR_Ebbw.Vale.Wales_MN6 which I am using in a project I am working at the moment. The problem is that this weather file does not contain any object in the section SizingPeriod:DesignDay which I think I need for sizing my HVAC, Does anyone have a file for this location with the design day objects?
> thanks
> fernando
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