See comments below.
Dr. Li To: energyplus_support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx From: foolishstar@xxxxxxx Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2011 19:31:30 +0800 Subject: [EnergyPlus_Support] multi-primary pumps+secondary pump I'm now trying to simulate a pri/sec system with two primary pumps. I tried three ways to do that but all failed. first, I put the two pumps on the same branch, then, E+ told me that the pump had to be the first component in a branch. In the same loop, not in the same branch. A pump had to be the first component in a loop, may be in a branch called a pipe. In EPlus there is one configuration called "Common pipe" system. I do not know how this is defined. With this system, the pump should be on the demand side. In another word, the supply side may have two systems, and the output is connected to the demand side with one pump. The supply side pump may be optional. I am not sure what you mean by primary and secondary system. In EPlus there is not need to model the stand-by equipment. Is it what the guideline wanted? Second, I tried to use two separate primary pump branches (two inlet branches), and the plant loop only has one plant side inlet node, so I set two plant loops, but E+ said that the demand side node name cannot be the same. Last, I put the two primary pumps on the chiller branch, and the secondary pump on a separate branch. But the error occured showing as follows: ** Severe ** Current version does not support Loop pumps and branch pumps together ** ~~~ ** Occurs in loop CHW LOOP The ASHRAE 90.1 requires that "each chiller shall be modeled with separate condenser water and chilled water pumps interlocked to operate with the associated ". Is it correct that I take it as each chiller should have one separate condenser water pump and one separate chilled water pump? Correct. I read this as one pump in the chilled water loop and one pump in the condenser water loop. When the chiller stops both pump must respond with its associated algorithm, such as delay in the condenser loop, until the coild temperature is low. If you must have one condenser loop per chiller loop, it has to be simulated that way. If the two chillers are operating in the stendby mode, I do not think you need to simulate with two chillers. Thanks! Han Xing
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