Hello everybody, I am tryin to model a Labyrinth that provides precooled air to central AHU. I was wondering if it would be possible model such a system in energyplus. My approach was to geometrically model the labyrinth as 5 contagious rooms with high thermal mass. The outdoor air is then introduced to first room of the labyrinth through infiltration then the room air is mixed with next room through zone mixing. From the last room the air needs to be intoduced to AHU but I am not sure how to do this. I was thinking of setting the last room as supply plenum or connecting the system through node names of OAMixer but not sure which node names goes where? I am wondering if it is possible to feed an AHU with indoor air of a room where you don't return it to the same room but exhaust it to outdoors instead. I will really appreciate if someone can give me a hint.
Thanks a lot!
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