For packaged variable air volume systems using direct-expansion cooling include: HVACTemplate:Thermostat HVACTemplate:Zone:VAV:FanPowered (one per zone)
HVACTemplate:System:PackagedVAV (one per AHU) HVACTemplate:Plant:HotWaterLoop (if HW Reheat Coils are used) HVACTemplate:Plant:Boiler (If HW Reheat Coils are used)
this will give you a variable volume dx system with parallel or series fan powered vavs at the zone level
run this simulation... EnergyPlus will create an input file with the HVACTemplates expanded out into their component objects. This file has the type '.expidf'
Rename this file to be Filename_exp.idf
Now you have the expanded HVACTemplate file which you can modify like any other EnergyPlus input data file.
Now Remove the Fan:VariableVolume object for the AHU Supply Fan and replace it with a Fan:ConstantVolume one
Also be sure to change the minimum system air flow ratio in the 'Sizing:System' object to 1.0
be sure to search the file for any instances of Fan:VariableVolume and replace them with Fan:ConstantVolume. This also occurs in the main branch of the AHU.