MLE+ is a matllab toolbox for co-simulation with EnergyPlus. This might be useful.
No experience with coupling it
BCVTB thought.
Link to MLE+:
2012/3/7 Tooran T
you mean you use only matlan +energyplus ,
could please describe it more?
I haven't used BCVTB, but I have interfaced with MATLAB (not dynamically). It's pretty straightforward to modify IDF files with MATLAB and then analyze/interpret results in MATLAB.
--- In
EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "kavoosi_sisi" <kavoosi_sisi@...> wrote:
> Hi Team ,
> Does anybody help me information about External interface (Matlab + energyplus+BCVT ) ? get some describing about it
> thanks inadvance