Hello group, I was looking for the U-value for my constructions, I think I found them in the eio file,the next lines are the headers where I found them: ! <HeatTransfer/Shading/Frame/Divider_Surface>,Surface Name,Surface Class,Base Surface,Construction/Transmittance Schedule,Nominal U (w/o film coefs)/Min Schedule Value,Nominal U (with film coefs)/Max Schedule Value,Solar Diffusing,Area (Net),Area (Gross),Area (Sunlit Calc),Azimuth,Tilt,~Width,~Height,Reveal,<ExtBoundCondition>,<ExtConvCoeffCalc>,<IntConvCoeffCalc>,<SunExposure>,<WindExposure>,ViewFactorToGround,ViewFactorToSky,ViewFactorToGround-IR,ViewFactorToSky-IR,#Sides
! <Units>,,,,,{W/m2-K}/{},{W/m2-K}/{},{},{m2},{m2},{m2},{deg},{deg},{m},{m},{m},,,,,,,,,,
So I understood that the U-values are the "Nominal U (w/o film coefs)" and "Nominal U (with film coefs)". The problem is that I dont understand very well the difference between with and without film coefs (probably I have a gap in my mind about heat transfer). Which is used to solve the heat transfer equations? Could someone help me?