I have modeled radiative units (ZONEHVAC:LOWTEMPERATURERADIANT:CONSTANTFLOW) on the floor of the zones. The loops and connections seems to be modeled fine as of now since there are no severe errors, though I have to check more. But I am getting the following warning concerning the flow mismatch. Does this (WaterRecircRate) mean that the volumetric flow rate of the water returning from the demand side is not matching with the rate of water which went into the unit? Or is it something else? How should it be resolved? For info: I am using only District Cooling as the heat source.
** Warning ** Flow mismatch in radiant system--result will be an energy imbalance--should not get this error
** ~~~ ** WaterRecircRate=-8.00E-002, in Radiant System=EAST ZONE RADIANT FLOOR,
** ~~~ ** During Warmup, Environment=CHICAGO ANN CLG 1% CONDNS DB=>MWB, at Simulation time=07/21 19:00 - 19:10