Hello:Our software is designed on AutoCAD.1. Draw an build(in autocad).2. select an hvac(in autocad).3. we can create an .idf file depend on step1 and step2.4. running idf, the .eso file is auto created.5. we parse some item from .eso file by the customer needed!Thank you very much------------------ ÔʼÓʼþ ------------------·¢¼þÈË: "Jeremiah Crossett"<jcrossett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;·¢ËÍʱ¼ä: 2012Äê8ÔÂ31ÈÕ(ÐÇÆÚÎå) ÉÏÎç10:44ÊÕ¼þÈË: "EnergyPlus_Support"<EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;Ö÷Ìâ: Re: »Ø¸´£º »Ø¸´£º [EnergyPlus_Support] How to get the building annual loads ?Please tell me more about your interface?You should first set your IDF toOutput variable dictionary toKey Field IDFSort Option NameThen you will get a set of output options in dropdown format in the variables and meter output options.Then the .rvi can be created with simple syntex- open text editor (I like notepad++) create file similar to> (this example I use for je+, and have changed the words "eplusout" for the words YourFileName" ) you put your output variables below the name of the .eso file (model results) and .csv (the file you want to generate) Also using the utility "post processor command" can generate .rvi (report varrible index)YourFileName.esoYourFileName.csvHeating:DistrictHeatingCooling:DistrictCoolingEnergyTransfer:Facility0Please send me your file and I will make you an example- Also they are refrenced in documentationTips & tricks page 35-
Jeremiah D. Crossett | Senior Analyst | Phase Change Energy Solutions120 E. Pritchard St. | Asheboro, NC 27203 | Mobile 503-688-8951
On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 7:22 PM, ·ðÎÞÊâ°® <fowushuai@xxxxxx> wrote:
Hello:What's is .rvi or .mvi or .mve file ? I can not find in E+ install Folder.Thank you very much.------------------ ÔʼÓʼþ ------------------·¢¼þÈË: "Jeremiah Crossett"<jcrossett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;·¢ËÍʱ¼ä: 2012Äê8ÔÂ31ÈÕ(ÐÇÆÚÎå) ÉÏÎç9:47ÊÕ¼þÈË: "EnergyPlus_Support"<EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;Ö÷Ìâ: Re: »Ø¸´£º [EnergyPlus_Support] How to get the building annual loads ?You can get more detailed output variables by choosing
Output diagnosticsKey 1 DisplayAdvancedReportVariables
- Then you can get surface energy transfer, surface energy storage, surface temperatures etc..
If you are building an interface > (wow very cool please tell me more/keep me posted!)> you might want to use .rvi or .mvi files, you could then for instance setup your interface to run with all the variables you find of interest then use .rvi or .mve to extract the .csv files from the .eio file created when running e+..
Jeremiah D. Crossett | Senior Analyst | Phase Change Energy Solutions120 E. Pritchard St. | Asheboro, NC 27203 | Mobile 503-688-8951
On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 6:38 PM, ·ðÎÞÊâ°® <fowushuai@xxxxxx> wrote:
HelloYes, I can get the "Zone total Internal Total Heat Gain" by output variable.But I want to get all loads.such as wall ,door, window. I can not find these outputs. I want to calc sum annual loads aboutthe building!Thank you very much!------------------ ÔʼÓʼþ ------------------·¢¼þÈË: "Jeremiah Crossett"<jcrossett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;·¢ËÍʱ¼ä: 2012Äê8ÔÂ31ÈÕ(ÐÇÆÚÎå) ÉÏÎç9:25ÊÕ¼þÈË: "EnergyPlus_Support"<EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;Ö÷Ìâ: Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] How to get the building annual loads ?I usually get loads from HTML output HVAC sizing summery- but I think you should be able to get it from a variable as well.
Jeremiah D. Crossett | Senior Analyst | Phase Change Energy Solutions120 E. Pritchard St. | Asheboro, NC 27203 | Mobile 503-688-8951
On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 5:54 PM, ·ðÎÞÊâ°® <fowushuai@xxxxxx> wrote:
Hello:We are developping the interface about EnergyPlus. I have a question, How I can get the building annual loads?I'm very sorry! My english is Very poor.Thank you very much!¸¶Ë§2012-08-31
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