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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Re: Heated floor with recirculation

Hi Francesco,

You may end up with 4 plantloop objects.
1) PrimeTempHotwater 80/40
2) LowTempHotWater 50/40

3) PrimeChilledWater 6/12
4) LowTempChilledWater 18/20

The principle is that the WaterHeater:Mixed object (x1 for heating and x1 for cooling) will sit as the thermal source (like a boiler) on the SupplySide of the LowTemp-plantloop, whilst at the same time it will sit on the DemandSide of the Prime-plantloop. I'm a bit pressed for time at the moment and the only models I have are highly complex and big and of a sensitive nature. Here is a quick excerpt from plant loops on one of my models...but if it confuses you more than helps you, you should not inspect it. I will say that there are some objects that are redundant.

!JMM Plant !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!JMM PlantLoop - Supply Side !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Cooling Supply Side Branches,  !- Name
    CW Pump Branch,          !- Branch 1 Name
    Purchased Cooling Branch,!- Branch 2 Name
    Cooling Supply Bypass Branch,  !- Branch 3 Name
    Cooling Supply Outlet;   !- Branch 4 Name
    Cooling Supply Outlet,   !- Name
    autosize,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Pipe:Adiabatic,          !- Component 1 Object Type
    Supply Side Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
    Supply Side Exit Pipe Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    CW Supply Outlet Node,   !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    PASSIVE;                 !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
    CW Pump Branch,          !- Name
    autosize,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Pump:VariableSpeed,      !- Component 1 Object Type
    CW Circ Pump,            !- Component 1 Name
    CW Supply Inlet Node,    !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    CW Pump Outlet Node,     !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Active;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
    Purchased Cooling Branch,!- Name
    autosize,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    DistrictCooling,         !- Component 1 Object Type
    Purchased Cooling,       !- Component 1 Name
    Purchased Cooling Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    Purchased Cooling Outlet Node,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Active;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
    Cooling Supply Bypass Branch,  !- Name
    autosize,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Pipe:Adiabatic,          !- Component 1 Object Type
    CW Supply Side Bypass,      !- Component 1 Name
    CW Supply Bypass Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    CW Supply Bypass Outlet Node,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    BYPASS;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
    CW Supply Side Bypass,      !- Name
    CW Supply Bypass Inlet Node,  !- Inlet Node Name
    CW Supply Bypass Outlet Node;  !- Outlet Node Name
    Supply Side Outlet Pipe, !- Name
    Supply Side Exit Pipe Inlet Node,  !- Inlet Node Name
    CW Supply Outlet Node;   !- Outlet Node Name
    Cooling Supply Side Connectors,  !- Name
    Connector:Splitter,      !- Connector 1 Object Type
    CW Loop Splitter,        !- Connector 1 Name
    Connector:Mixer,         !- Connector 2 Object Type
    CW Loop Mixer;           !- Connector 2 Name
    CW Loop Splitter,        !- Name
    CW Pump Branch,          !- Inlet Branch Name
    Purchased Cooling Branch,!- Outlet Branch 1 Name
    Cooling Supply Bypass Branch;  !- Outlet Branch 2 Name
    CW Loop Mixer,           !- Name
    Cooling Supply Outlet,   !- Outlet Branch Name
    Purchased Cooling Branch,!- Inlet Branch 1 Name
    Cooling Supply Bypass Branch;  !- Inlet Branch 2 Name
!JMM Plant Equipment
    Cooling Plant,           !- Name
    DistrictCooling,         !- Equipment 1 Object Type
    Purchased Cooling;       !- Equipment 1 Name
    Purchased Cooling,       !- Name
    Purchased Cooling Inlet Node,  !- Chilled Water Inlet Node Name
    Purchased Cooling Outlet Node,  !- Chilled Water Outlet Node Name
    50000000;                 !- Nominal Capacity {W}
    CW Circ Pump,            !- Name
    CW Supply Inlet Node,    !- Inlet Node Name
    CW Pump Outlet Node,     !- Outlet Node Name
    autosize,                  !- Rated Flow Rate {m3/s}
    300000,                  !- Rated Pump Head {Pa}
    autosize,                     !- Rated Power Consumption {W}
    0.87,                    !- Motor Efficiency
    0.0,                     !- Fraction of Motor Inefficiencies to Fluid Stream
    0,                       !- Coefficient 1 of the Part Load Performance Curve
    1,                       !- Coefficient 2 of the Part Load Performance Curve
    0,                       !- Coefficient 3 of the Part Load Performance Curve
    0,                       !- Coefficient 4 of the Part Load Performance Curve
    0,                       !- Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    INTERMITTENT;            !- Pump Control Type
!JMM PlantLoop - Demand Side !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Cooling Demand Side Branches,  !- Name
    Cooling Demand Inlet,    !- Branch 1 Name
    DOAS Cooling Coil ChW Branch,     !- Branch 2 Name
    !ReCirc Cooling Coil ChW Branch,     !- Branch 3 Name
    Cooling Demand Bypass Branch,  !- Branch 4 Name
    Cooling Demand Outlet;   !- Branch 5 Name
    Cooling Demand Bypass Branch,  !- Name
    autosize,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Pipe:Adiabatic,          !- Component 1 Object Type
    Cooling Demand Side Bypass,  !- Component 1 Name
    CW Demand Bypass Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    CW Demand Bypass Outlet Node,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    BYPASS;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
    Cooling Demand Outlet,   !- Name
    autosize,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Pipe:Adiabatic,          !- Component 1 Object Type
    CW Demand Side Outlet Pipe,  !- Component 1 Name
    CW Demand Exit Pipe Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    CW Demand Outlet Node,   !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    PASSIVE;                 !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
  DOAS Cooling Coil ChW Branch,                             !- Name
  ,                                                        !- Maximum Branch Flow Rate {m3/s}
  ,                                                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
  Coil:Cooling:Water,                                      !- Comp Type
  DOAS Cooling Coil,                                        !- Component 1 Name
  DOAS Cooling Coil ChW Inlet,                              !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
  DOAS Cooling Coil ChW Outlet,                             !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
  Active;                                                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
!   Branch,
!    ReCirc Cooling Coil ChW Branch,     !- Name
!    ,                       !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
!    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
!    Coil:Cooling:Water,  !- Component 1 Object Type
!    ReCirc Cooling Coil,     !- Component 1 Name
!    ReCirc Cooling Coil ChW Inlet,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
!    ReCirc Cooling Coil ChW Outlet,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
!    Active;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
    Cooling Demand Inlet,    !- Name
    autosize,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Pipe:Adiabatic,          !- Component 1 Object Type
    Cooling Demand Side Inlet Pipe,  !- Component 1 Name
    CW Demand Inlet Node,    !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    CW Demand Entrance Pipe Outlet Node,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    PASSIVE;                 !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
    Cooling Demand Side Inlet Pipe,  !- Name
    CW Demand Inlet Node,    !- Inlet Node Name
    CW Demand Entrance Pipe Outlet Node;  !- Outlet Node Name
    Cooling Demand Side Bypass,  !- Name
    CW Demand Bypass Inlet Node,  !- Inlet Node Name
    CW Demand Bypass Outlet Node;  !- Outlet Node Name
    CW Demand Side Outlet Pipe,  !- Name
    CW Demand Exit Pipe Inlet Node,  !- Inlet Node Name
    CW Demand Outlet Node;   !- Outlet Node Name
    Cooling Demand Side Connectors,  !- Name
    Connector:Splitter,      !- Connector 1 Object Type
    CW Demand Splitter,      !- Connector 1 Name
    Connector:Mixer,         !- Connector 2 Object Type
    CW Demand Mixer;         !- Connector 2 Name
    CW Demand Splitter,      !- Name
    Cooling Demand Inlet,    !- Inlet Branch Name
    DOAS Cooling Coil ChW Branch,     !- Outlet Branch 1 Name
!    ReCirc Cooling Coil ChW Branch,     !- Outlet Branch 2 Name
    Cooling Demand Bypass Branch;  !- Outlet Branch 3 Name
    CW Demand Mixer,         !- Name
    Cooling Demand Outlet,   !- Outlet Branch Name
    DOAS Cooling Coil ChW Branch,     !- Outlet Branch 1 Name
!    ReCirc Cooling Coil ChW Branch,     !- Outlet Branch 2 Name
    Cooling Demand Bypass Branch;  !- Outlet Branch 3 Name
!JMM Plant Controls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Chilled Water Loop Setpoint Node List,  !- Name
    CW Supply Outlet Node;   !- Node 1 Name
  Chilled Water Loop,                                      !- Plant or Condenser Loop Name
  Cooling,                                                 !- Loop Type
  6.00,                                                    !- Design loop exit temperature {C}
  6.0;                                                    !- Design loop delta T {deltaC}
    CW Loop Temp Schedule,   !- Name
    Temperature,             !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,6.0;        !- Field 3 (inlet temp for user)
    Chilled Water Loop,      !- Name
    Water,                   !- Fluid Type
    CW Loop Operation,       !- Plant Equipment Operation Scheme Name
    CW Supply Outlet Node,   !- Loop Temperature Setpoint Node Name
    98,                      !- Maximum Loop Temperature {C}
    1,                       !- Minimum Loop Temperature {C}
    autosize,                !- Maximum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
    0,                       !- Minimum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
    autocalculate,           !- Plant Loop Volume {m3}
    CW Supply Inlet Node,    !- Plant Side Inlet Node Name
    CW Supply Outlet Node,   !- Plant Side Outlet Node Name
    Cooling Supply Side Branches,  !- Plant Side Branch List Name
    Cooling Supply Side Connectors,  !- Plant Side Connector List Name
    CW Demand Inlet Node,    !- Demand Side Inlet Node Name
    CW Demand Outlet Node,   !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
    Cooling Demand Side Branches,  !- Demand Side Branch List Name
    Cooling Demand Side Connectors,  !- Demand Side Connector List Name
    Optimal;                 !- Load Distribution Scheme
    CW Loop Operation,       !- Name
    PlantEquipmentOperation:CoolingLoad,  !- Control Scheme 1 Object Type
    CW Purchased Only,       !- Control Scheme 1 Name
    PlantOnSched;            !- Control Scheme 1 Schedule Name
    CW Purchased Only,       !- Name
    0,                       !- Load Range 1 Lower Limit {W}
    50000000,                !- Load Range 1 Upper Limit {W} ...equals  Nominal Capacity of Equipment DistrictCooling, Purchased Cooling
    Cooling Plant;           !- Range 1 Equipment List Name
    Chilled Water Loop Setpoint Manager,  !- Name
    Temperature,             !- Control Variable
    CW Loop Temp Schedule,   !- Schedule Name
    Chilled Water Loop Setpoint Node List;  !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
!JMM Plant Schedules !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    PlantOnSched,            !- Name
    Fraction,                !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,1.0;        !- Field 3
!                              HEATING PLANT
  Hot Water Loop Hot Water Loop,                           !- Plant or Condenser Loop Name
  Heating,                                                 !- Loop Type
  82,                                                      !- Design loop exit temperature {C}
  11;                                                      !- Design loop delta T {deltaC}
  Hot Water Loop Hot Water Loop,                           !- Name
  Water,                                                   !- Fluid Type
  Hot Water Loop Operation,                                !- PlantEquipmentOperationSchemes Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Outlet,                         !- Loop Temperature Setpoint Node Name
  100,                                                     !- Maximum Loop Temperature {C}
  10,                                                      !- Minimum Loop Temperature {C}
  autosize,                                                !- Maximum Loop Volumetric Flow Rate {m3/s}
  0,                                                       !- Minimum Loop Volumetric Flow Rate {m3/s}
  autosize,                                                !- volume of the plant loop {m3}
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Inlet,                          !- Plant Side Inlet Node Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Outlet,                         !- Plant Side Outlet Node Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Side Branches,                  !- Plant Side Branch List Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Side Connectors,                !- Plant Side Connector List Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Inlet,                          !- Demand Side Inlet Node Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Outlet,                         !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Side Branches,                  !- Demand Side Branch List Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Side Connectors,                !- Demand Side Connector List Name
  Sequential,                                              !- Load Distribution Scheme
  ,                                                        !- AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList
  SingleSetpoint;                                          !- Plant Loop Demand Calculation Scheme
  Hot Water Loop Operation,                                !- Name
  PlantEquipmentOperation:HeatingLoad,                     !- Control Scheme 1 Object Type
  Hot Water Loop Operation All Hours,                      !- Control Scheme 1 Name
  HVACTemplate-Always 1;                                   !- Control Scheme 1 Schedule Name
  Hot Water Loop Operation All Hours,                      !- Name
  0,                                                       !- Load Range Lower Limit 1 {W}
  1000000000000000,                                        !- Load Range Upper Limit 1 {W}
  Hot Water Loop All Equipment;                            !- Priority Control 1 Equipment List Name
  Hot Water Loop All Equipment,                            !- Name
  DistrictHeating,                                         !- KEY--Plant Equip
  Main Boiler;                                             !- Equip Name
  HVACTemplate-Always 82,                                  !- Name
  HVACTemplate Any Number,                                 !- Type
  Through: 12/31,                                          !- Field
  For: AllDays,                                            !- Field
  Until: 24:00,                                            !- Field
  82;                                                      !- Field
  Hot Water Loop HW Temp Manager,                          !- Name
  Temperature,                                             !- Control Variable
  82.2,                                                    !- Set point at outside low {C}
  -6.7,                                                    !- Outside low {C}
  65.6,                                                    !- Set point at outside high {C}
  10,                                                      !- Outside high {C}
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Outlet;                         !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Side Branches,                  !- Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Inlet Branch,                   !- Name
  Main Boiler HW Branch,                                   !- Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Bypass Branch,                  !- Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Outlet Branch;                  !- Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Side Connectors,                !- Name
  Connector:Splitter,                                      !- Connector 1 Object Type
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Splitter,                       !- Connector 1 Name
  Connector:Mixer,                                         !- Connector 2 Object Type
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Mixer;                          !- Connector 2 Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Splitter,                       !- Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Inlet Branch,                   !- Inlet Branch Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Bypass Branch,                  !- Outlet Branch Name
  Main Boiler HW Branch;                                   !- Outlet Branch Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Mixer,                          !- Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Outlet Branch,                  !- Outlet Branch Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Bypass Branch,                  !- Inlet Branch Name
  Main Boiler HW Branch;                                   !- Inlet Branch Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Bypass Branch,                  !- Name
  ,                                                        !- Maximum Branch Flow Rate {m3/s}
  ,                                                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
  Pipe:Adiabatic,                                          !- Component 1 Object Type
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Side Bypass Pipe,               !- Component 1 Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Bypass Inlet,                   !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Bypass Outlet,                  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
  Bypass;                                                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Side Bypass Pipe,               !- Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Bypass Inlet,                   !- Inlet Node Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Bypass Outlet;                  !- Outlet Node Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Pump,                           !- Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Inlet,                          !- Inlet Node Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Pump Outlet,                           !- Outlet Node Name
  autosize,                                                !- Rated Volumetric Flow Rate {m3/s}
  179352,                                                  !- Rated Pump Head {Pa}
  autosize,                                                !- Rated Power Consumption {W}
  0.9,                                                     !- Motor Efficiency
  0,                                                       !- Fraction of Motor Inefficiencies to Fluid Stream
  INTERMITTENT,                                            !- Pump Control Type
  ;                                                        !- Pump Flow Rate Schedule Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Inlet Branch,                   !- Name
  ,                                                        !- Maximum Branch Flow Rate {m3/s}
  ,                                                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
  Pump:ConstantSpeed,                                      !- Component 1 Object Type
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Pump,                           !- Component 1 Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Inlet,                          !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Pump Outlet,                           !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
  Active;                                                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Outlet Branch,                  !- Name
  ,                                                        !- Maximum Branch Flow Rate {m3/s}
  ,                                                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
  Pipe:Adiabatic,                                          !- Component 1 Object Type
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Outlet Pipe,                    !- Component 1 Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Outlet Pipe Inlet,              !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Outlet,                         !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
  Passive;                                                 !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Outlet Pipe,                    !- Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Outlet Pipe Inlet,              !- Inlet Node Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Supply Outlet;                         !- Outlet Node Name
  !DEMAND SIDE HW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Side Branches,                  !- Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Inlet Branch,                   !- Name
  DOAS Heating Coil HW Branch,
  U12 FC Htg Branch,
  Finger FC Htg Branch,
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Bypass Branch,                  !- Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Outlet Branch;                  !- Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Side Connectors,                !- Name
  Connector:Splitter,                                      !- Connector 1 Object Type
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Splitter,                       !- Connector 1 Name
  Connector:Mixer,                                         !- Connector 2 Object Type
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Mixer;                          !- Connector 2 Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Splitter,                       !- Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Inlet Branch,                   !- Inlet Branch Name
  DOAS Heating Coil HW Branch,
  U12 FC Htg Branch,
  Finger FC Htg Branch,
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Bypass Branch;                  !- Outlet Branch Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Mixer,                          !- Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Outlet Branch,                  !- Outlet Branch Name
  DOAS Heating Coil HW Branch,
  U12 FC Htg Branch,
  Finger FC Htg Branch,
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Bypass Branch;                  !- Inlet Branch Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Inlet Branch,                   !- Name
  ,                                                        !- Maximum Branch Flow Rate {m3/s}
  ,                                                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
  Pipe:Adiabatic,                                          !- Component 1 Object Type
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Inlet Pipe,                     !- Component 1 Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Inlet,                          !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Inlet Pipe Outlet,              !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
  Passive;                                                 !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Inlet Pipe,                     !- Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Inlet,                          !- Inlet Node Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Inlet Pipe Outlet;              !- Outlet Node Name
    DOAS Heating Coil HW Branch,                             !- Name
    ,                                                        !- Maximum Branch Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                                                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,                                      !- Comp Type
    DOAS Heating Coil,                                        !- Component 1 Name
    DOAS Heating Coil HW Inlet,                              !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    DOAS Heating Coil HW Outlet,                             !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Active;                                                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
    U12 FC Htg Branch,  !- Name
    autosize,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,  !- Component 1 Object Type
    FC U12 Heating Coil,    !- Component 1 Name
    FC U12 Heating Coil HW Inlet,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    FC U12 Heating Coil HW Outlet,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Active;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
    Finger FC Htg Branch,  !- Name
    autosize,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,  !- Component 1 Object Type
    FC Finger Heating Coil,    !- Component 1 Name
    FC Finger Heating Coil HW Inlet,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    FC Finger Heating Coil HW Outlet,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Active;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Bypass Branch,                  !- Name
  ,                                                        !- Maximum Branch Flow Rate {m3/s}
  ,                                                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
  Pipe:Adiabatic,                                          !- Component 1 Object Type
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Side Bypass Pipe,               !- Component 1 Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Bypass Inlet,                   !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Bypass Outlet,                  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
  Bypass;                                                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Side Bypass Pipe,               !- Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Bypass Inlet,                   !- Inlet Node Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Bypass Outlet;                  !- Outlet Node Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Outlet Branch,                  !- Name
  ,                                                        !- Maximum Branch Flow Rate {m3/s}
  ,                                                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
  Pipe:Adiabatic,                                          !- Component 1 Object Type
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Outlet Pipe,                    !- Component 1 Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Outlet Pipe Inlet,              !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Outlet,                         !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
  Passive;                                                 !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Outlet Pipe,                    !- Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Outlet Pipe Inlet,              !- Inlet Node Name
  Hot Water Loop HW Demand Outlet;                         !- Outlet Node Name
  Main Boiler,
  Main Boiler HW Inlet,                                    !- Water Inlet Node Name
  Main Boiler HW Outlet,                                   !- Water Outlet Node Name
  100000000;                 !- Nominal Capacity {W}
  Main Boiler HW Branch,                                   !- Name
  ,                                                        !- Maximum Branch Flow Rate {m3/s}
  ,                                                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
  DistrictHeating,                                         !- Component 1 Object Type
  Main Boiler,                                             !- Component 1 Name
  Main Boiler HW Inlet,                                    !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
  Main Boiler HW Outlet,                                   !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
  Active;                                                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
!JMM Plant !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!JMM PlantLoop - Supply Side !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    RF Cooling Supply Side Branches,  !- Name
    RF CW Pump Branch,          !- Branch 1 Name
    RF Purchased Cooling Branch,!- Branch 2 Name
    RF Cooling Supply Bypass Branch,  !- Branch 3 Name
    RF Cooling Supply Outlet;   !- Branch 4 Name
    RF Cooling Supply Outlet,   !- Name
    autosize,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Pipe:Adiabatic,          !- Component 1 Object Type
    RF Supply Side Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
    RF Supply Side Exit Pipe Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    RF CW Supply Outlet Node,   !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    PASSIVE;                 !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
    RF CW Pump Branch,          !- Name
    autosize,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Pump:VariableSpeed,      !- Component 1 Object Type
    RF CW Circ Pump,            !- Component 1 Name
    RF CW Supply Inlet Node,    !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    RF CW Pump Outlet Node,     !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Active;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
    RF Purchased Cooling Branch,!- Name
    autosize,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    DistrictCooling,         !- Component 1 Object Type
    RF Purchased Cooling,       !- Component 1 Name
    RF Purchased Cooling Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    RF Purchased Cooling Outlet Node,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Active;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
    RF Cooling Supply Bypass Branch,  !- Name
    autosize,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Pipe:Adiabatic,          !- Component 1 Object Type
    RF CW Supply Side Bypass,      !- Component 1 Name
    RF CW Supply Bypass Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    RF CW Supply Bypass Outlet Node,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    BYPASS;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
    RF CW Supply Side Bypass,      !- Name
    RF CW Supply Bypass Inlet Node,  !- Inlet Node Name
    RF CW Supply Bypass Outlet Node;  !- Outlet Node Name
    RF Supply Side Outlet Pipe, !- Name
    RF Supply Side Exit Pipe Inlet Node,  !- Inlet Node Name
    RF CW Supply Outlet Node;   !- Outlet Node Name
    RF Cooling Supply Side Connectors,  !- Name
    Connector:Splitter,      !- Connector 1 Object Type
    RF CW Loop Splitter,        !- Connector 1 Name
    Connector:Mixer,         !- Connector 2 Object Type
    RF CW Loop Mixer;           !- Connector 2 Name
    RF CW Loop Splitter,        !- Name
    RF CW Pump Branch,          !- Inlet Branch Name
    RF Purchased Cooling Branch,!- Outlet Branch 1 Name
    RF Cooling Supply Bypass Branch;  !- Outlet Branch 2 Name
    RF CW Loop Mixer,           !- Name
    RF Cooling Supply Outlet,   !- Outlet Branch Name
    RF Purchased Cooling Branch,!- Inlet Branch 1 Name
    RF Cooling Supply Bypass Branch;  !- Inlet Branch 2 Name
!JMM Plant Equipment
    RF Cooling Plant,           !- Name
    DistrictCooling,         !- Equipment 1 Object Type
    RF Purchased Cooling;       !- Equipment 1 Name
    RF Purchased Cooling,       !- Name
    RF Purchased Cooling Inlet Node,  !- Chilled Water Inlet Node Name
    RF Purchased Cooling Outlet Node,  !- Chilled Water Outlet Node Name
    500000000;                 !- Nominal Capacity {W}
    RF CW Circ Pump,            !- Name
    RF CW Supply Inlet Node,    !- Inlet Node Name
    RF CW Pump Outlet Node,     !- Outlet Node Name
    autosize,                  !- Rated Flow Rate {m3/s}
    300000,                  !- Rated Pump Head {Pa}
    autosize,                     !- Rated Power Consumption {W}
    0.87,                    !- Motor Efficiency
    0.0,                     !- Fraction of Motor Inefficiencies to Fluid Stream
    0,                       !- Coefficient 1 of the Part Load Performance Curve
    1,                       !- Coefficient 2 of the Part Load Performance Curve
    0,                       !- Coefficient 3 of the Part Load Performance Curve
    0,                       !- Coefficient 4 of the Part Load Performance Curve
    0,                       !- Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    INTERMITTENT;            !- Pump Control Type
!JMM PlantLoop - Demand Side !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    RF Cooling Demand Side Branches,  !- Name
    RF Cooling Demand Inlet,    !- Branch 1 Name
    U12 RF Branch,
    U12 FC Clg Branch,
    PE00WN RF Branch,
    PE00WS RF Branch,
    PE00WW RF Branch,
    PE03W RF Branch,
    PE0Z02W RF Branch,
    HE00 RF Branch,
    HE0Z03 RF Branch,
    PavN RF Branch,
    PavS RF Branch,
    Finger FC Clg Branch,
    RF Cooling Demand Bypass Branch,  !- Branch 3 Name
    RF Cooling Demand Outlet;   !- Branch 4 Name
    RF Cooling Demand Bypass Branch,  !- Name
    autosize,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Pipe:Adiabatic,          !- Component 1 Object Type
    RF Cooling Demand Side Bypass,  !- Component 1 Name
    RF CW Demand Bypass Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    RF CW Demand Bypass Outlet Node,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    BYPASS;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
    RF Cooling Demand Outlet,   !- Name
    autosize,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Pipe:Adiabatic,          !- Component 1 Object Type
    RF CW Demand Side Outlet Pipe,  !- Component 1 Name
    RF CW Demand Exit Pipe Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    RF CW Demand Outlet Node,   !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    PASSIVE;                 !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
    RF Cooling Demand Inlet,    !- Name
    autosize,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Pipe:Adiabatic,          !- Component 1 Object Type
    RF Cooling Demand Side Inlet Pipe,  !- Component 1 Name
    RF CW Demand Inlet Node,    !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    RF CW Demand Entrance Pipe Outlet Node,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    PASSIVE;                 !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
    RF Cooling Demand Side Inlet Pipe,  !- Name
    RF CW Demand Inlet Node,    !- Inlet Node Name
    RF CW Demand Entrance Pipe Outlet Node;  !- Outlet Node Name
    RF Cooling Demand Side Bypass,  !- Name
    RF CW Demand Bypass Inlet Node,  !- Inlet Node Name
    RF CW Demand Bypass Outlet Node;  !- Outlet Node Name
    RF CW Demand Side Outlet Pipe,  !- Name
    RF CW Demand Exit Pipe Inlet Node,  !- Inlet Node Name
    RF CW Demand Outlet Node;   !- Outlet Node Name
    RF Cooling Demand Side Connectors,  !- Name
    Connector:Splitter,      !- Connector 1 Object Type
    RF CW Demand Splitter,      !- Connector 1 Name
    Connector:Mixer,         !- Connector 2 Object Type
    RF CW Demand Mixer;         !- Connector 2 Name
    RF CW Demand Splitter,      !- Name
    RF Cooling Demand Inlet,    !- Inlet Branch Name
    U12 RF Branch,
    U12 FC Clg Branch,
    PE00WN RF Branch,
    PE00WS RF Branch,
    PE00WW RF Branch,
    PE0Z02W RF Branch,
    PE03W RF Branch,
    HE00 RF Branch,
    HE0Z03 RF Branch,
    PavN RF Branch,
    PavS RF Branch,
    Finger FC Clg Branch,
    RF Cooling Demand Bypass Branch;  !- Outlet Branch 3 Name
    RF CW Demand Mixer,         !- Name
    RF Cooling Demand Outlet,   !- Outlet Branch Name
    U12 RF Branch,
    U12 FC Clg Branch,
    PE00WN RF Branch,
    PE00WS RF Branch,
    PE00WW RF Branch,
    PE0Z02W RF Branch,
    PE03W RF Branch,
    HE00 RF Branch,
    HE0Z03 RF Branch,
    PavN RF Branch,
    PavS RF Branch,
    Finger FC Clg Branch,
    RF Cooling Demand Bypass Branch;  !- Outlet Branch 3 Name
!JMM Plant Controls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    RF Chilled Water Loop Setpoint Node List,  !- Name
    RF CW Supply Outlet Node;   !- Node 1 Name
  RF Chilled Water Loop,                                      !- Plant or Condenser Loop Name
  Cooling,                                                 !- Loop Type
  16.00,                                                    !- Design loop exit temperature {C}
  3.0;                                                    !- Design loop delta T {deltaC}
    RF CW Loop Temp Schedule,   !- Name
    Temperature,             !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,16.0;        !- Field 3 (inlet temp for user)
    RF Chilled Water Loop,      !- Name
    Water,                   !- Fluid Type
    RF CW Loop Operation,       !- Plant Equipment Operation Scheme Name
    RF CW Supply Outlet Node,   !- Loop Temperature Setpoint Node Name
    98,                      !- Maximum Loop Temperature {C}
    1,                       !- Minimum Loop Temperature {C}
    autosize,                !- Maximum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
    0,                       !- Minimum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
    autocalculate,           !- Plant Loop Volume {m3}
    RF CW Supply Inlet Node,    !- Plant Side Inlet Node Name
    RF CW Supply Outlet Node,   !- Plant Side Outlet Node Name
    RF Cooling Supply Side Branches,  !- Plant Side Branch List Name
    RF Cooling Supply Side Connectors,  !- Plant Side Connector List Name
    RF CW Demand Inlet Node,    !- Demand Side Inlet Node Name
    RF CW Demand Outlet Node,   !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
    RF Cooling Demand Side Branches,  !- Demand Side Branch List Name
    RF Cooling Demand Side Connectors,  !- Demand Side Connector List Name
    Optimal;                 !- Load Distribution Scheme
    RF CW Loop Operation,       !- Name
    PlantEquipmentOperation:CoolingLoad,  !- Control Scheme 1 Object Type
    RF CW Purchased Only,       !- Control Scheme 1 Name
    RF PlantOnSched;            !- Control Scheme 1 Schedule Name
    RF CW Purchased Only,       !- Name
    0,                       !- Load Range 1 Lower Limit {W}
    500000000,                !- Load Range 1 Upper Limit {W} ...equals  Nominal Capacity of Equipment DistrictCooling, Purchased Cooling
    RF Cooling Plant;           !- Range 1 Equipment List Name
    RF Chilled Water Loop Setpoint Manager,  !- Name
    Temperature,             !- Control Variable
    RF CW Loop Temp Schedule,   !- Schedule Name
    RF Chilled Water Loop Setpoint Node List;  !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
!JMM Plant Schedules !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    RF PlantOnSched,            !- Name
    Fraction,                !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,1.0;        !- Field 3
!                            RF HEATING PLANT
  RF Hot Water Loop Hot Water Loop,                        !- Plant or Condenser Loop Name
  Heating,                                                 !- Loop Type
  24,                                                      !- Design loop exit temperature {C}
  4;                                                       !- Design loop delta T {deltaC}
  RF Hot Water Loop Hot Water Loop,                        !- Name
  Water,                                                   !- Fluid Type
  RF Hot Water Loop Operation,                             !- PlantEquipmentOperationSchemes Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Outlet,                      !- Loop Temperature Setpoint Node Name
  28,                                                      !- Maximum Loop Temperature {C}
  10,                                                      !- Minimum Loop Temperature {C}
  autosize,                                                !- Maximum Loop Volumetric Flow Rate {m3/s}
  0,                                                       !- Minimum Loop Volumetric Flow Rate {m3/s}
  autosize,                                                !- volume of the plant loop {m3}
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Inlet,                          !- Plant Side Inlet Node Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Outlet,                         !- Plant Side Outlet Node Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Side Branches,                  !- Plant Side Branch List Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Side Connectors,                !- Plant Side Connector List Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Inlet,                          !- Demand Side Inlet Node Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Outlet,                         !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Side Branches,                  !- Demand Side Branch List Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Side Connectors,                !- Demand Side Connector List Name
  Sequential,                                              !- Load Distribution Scheme
  ,                                                        !- AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList
  SingleSetpoint;                                          !- Plant Loop Demand Calculation Scheme
  RF Hot Water Loop Operation,                                !- Name
  PlantEquipmentOperation:HeatingLoad,                     !- Control Scheme 1 Object Type
  RF Hot Water Loop Operation All Hours,                      !- Control Scheme 1 Name
  HVACTemplate-Always 1;                                   !- Control Scheme 1 Schedule Name
  RF Hot Water Loop Operation All Hours,                      !- Name
  0,                                                       !- Load Range Lower Limit 1 {W}
  1000000000000000,                                        !- Load Range Upper Limit 1 {W}
  RF Hot Water Loop All Equipment;                            !- Priority Control 1 Equipment List Name
  RF Hot Water Loop All Equipment,                            !- Name
  DistrictHeating,                                         !- KEY--Plant Equip
  RF Main Boiler;                                             !- Equip Name
  HVACTemplate-Always 24,                                  !- Name
  HVACTemplate Any Number,                                 !- Type
  Through: 12/31,                                          !- Field
  For: AllDays,                                            !- Field
  Until: 24:00,                                            !- Field
  24;                                                      !- Field
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Temp Manager,                          !- Name
  Temperature,                                             !- Control Variable
  24,                                                      !- Set point at outside low {C}
  -14,                                                     !- Outside low {C}
  10,                                                      !- Set point at outside high {C}
  32,                                                      !- Outside high {C}
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Outlet;                         !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Side Branches,                  !- Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Inlet Branch,                   !- Name
  RF Main Boiler HW Branch,                                   !- Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Bypass Branch,                  !- Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Outlet Branch;                  !- Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Side Connectors,                !- Name
  Connector:Splitter,                                      !- Connector 1 Object Type
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Splitter,                       !- Connector 1 Name
  Connector:Mixer,                                         !- Connector 2 Object Type
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Mixer;                          !- Connector 2 Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Splitter,                       !- Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Inlet Branch,                   !- Inlet Branch Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Bypass Branch,                  !- Outlet Branch Name
  RF Main Boiler HW Branch;                                   !- Outlet Branch Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Mixer,                          !- Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Outlet Branch,                  !- Outlet Branch Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Bypass Branch,                  !- Inlet Branch Name
  RF Main Boiler HW Branch;                                   !- Inlet Branch Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Bypass Branch,                  !- Name
  ,                                                        !- Maximum Branch Flow Rate {m3/s}
  ,                                                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
  Pipe:Adiabatic,                                          !- Component 1 Object Type
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Side Bypass Pipe,               !- Component 1 Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Bypass Inlet,                   !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Bypass Outlet,                  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
  Bypass;                                                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Side Bypass Pipe,               !- Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Bypass Inlet,                   !- Inlet Node Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Bypass Outlet;                  !- Outlet Node Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Pump,                           !- Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Inlet,                          !- Inlet Node Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Pump Outlet,                           !- Outlet Node Name
  autosize,                                                !- Rated Volumetric Flow Rate {m3/s}
  179352,                                                  !- Rated Pump Head {Pa}
  autosize,                                                !- Rated Power Consumption {W}
  0.9,                                                     !- Motor Efficiency
  0,                                                       !- Fraction of Motor Inefficiencies to Fluid Stream
  INTERMITTENT,                                            !- Pump Control Type
  ;                                                        !- Pump Flow Rate Schedule Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Inlet Branch,                   !- Name
  ,                                                        !- Maximum Branch Flow Rate {m3/s}
  ,                                                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
  Pump:ConstantSpeed,                                      !- Component 1 Object Type
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Pump,                           !- Component 1 Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Inlet,                          !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Pump Outlet,                           !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
  Active;                                                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Outlet Branch,                  !- Name
  ,                                                        !- Maximum Branch Flow Rate {m3/s}
  ,                                                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
  Pipe:Adiabatic,                                          !- Component 1 Object Type
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Outlet Pipe,                    !- Component 1 Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Outlet Pipe Inlet,              !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Outlet,                         !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
  Passive;                                                 !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Outlet Pipe,                    !- Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Outlet Pipe Inlet,              !- Inlet Node Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Supply Outlet;                         !- Outlet Node Name
  !DEMAND SIDE HW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Side Branches,                  !- Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Inlet Branch,                   !- Name
    U12 RF HW Branch,
    PE00WN RF HW Branch,
    PE00WS RF HW Branch,
    PE00WW RF HW Branch,
    PE03W RF HW Branch,
    PE0Z02W RF HW Branch,
    HE00 RF HW Branch,
    HE0Z03 RF HW Branch,
    PavN RF HW Branch,
    PavS RF HW Branch,
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Bypass Branch,                  !- Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Outlet Branch;                  !- Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Side Connectors,                !- Name
  Connector:Splitter,                                      !- Connector 1 Object Type
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Splitter,                       !- Connector 1 Name
  Connector:Mixer,                                         !- Connector 2 Object Type
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Mixer;                          !- Connector 2 Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Splitter,                       !- Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Inlet Branch,                   !- Inlet Branch Name
    U12 RF HW Branch,
    PE00WN RF HW Branch,
    PE00WS RF HW Branch,
    PE00WW RF HW Branch,
    PE03W RF HW Branch,
    PE0Z02W RF HW Branch,
    HE00 RF HW Branch,
    HE0Z03 RF HW Branch,
    PavN RF HW Branch,
    PavS RF HW Branch,
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Bypass Branch;                  !- Outlet Branch Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Mixer,                          !- Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Outlet Branch,                  !- Outlet Branch Name
    U12 RF HW Branch,
    PE00WN RF HW Branch,
    PE00WS RF HW Branch,
    PE00WW RF HW Branch,
    PE03W RF HW Branch,
    PE0Z02W RF HW Branch,
    HE00 RF HW Branch,
    HE0Z03 RF HW Branch,
    PavN RF HW Branch,
    PavS RF HW Branch,
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Bypass Branch;                  !- Inlet Branch Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Inlet Branch,                   !- Name
  ,                                                        !- Maximum Branch Flow Rate {m3/s}
  ,                                                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
  Pipe:Adiabatic,                                          !- Component 1 Object Type
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Inlet Pipe,                     !- Component 1 Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Inlet,                          !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Inlet Pipe Outlet,              !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
  Passive;                                                 !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Inlet Pipe,                     !- Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Inlet,                          !- Inlet Node Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Inlet Pipe Outlet;              !- Outlet Node Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Bypass Branch,                  !- Name
  ,                                                        !- Maximum Branch Flow Rate {m3/s}
  ,                                                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
  Pipe:Adiabatic,                                          !- Component 1 Object Type
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Side Bypass Pipe,               !- Component 1 Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Bypass Inlet,                   !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Bypass Outlet,                  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
  Bypass;                                                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Side Bypass Pipe,               !- Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Bypass Inlet,                   !- Inlet Node Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Bypass Outlet;                  !- Outlet Node Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Outlet Branch,                  !- Name
  ,                                                        !- Maximum Branch Flow Rate {m3/s}
  ,                                                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
  Pipe:Adiabatic,                                          !- Component 1 Object Type
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Outlet Pipe,                    !- Component 1 Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Outlet Pipe Inlet,              !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Outlet,                         !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
  Passive;                                                 !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Outlet Pipe,                    !- Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Outlet Pipe Inlet,              !- Inlet Node Name
  RF Hot Water Loop HW Demand Outlet;                         !- Outlet Node Name
  RF Main Boiler,
  RF Main Boiler HW Inlet,                                    !- Water Inlet Node Name
  RF Main Boiler HW Outlet,                                   !- Water Outlet Node Name
  100000000;                 !- Nominal Capacity {W}
  RF Main Boiler HW Branch,                                   !- Name
  ,                                                        !- Maximum Branch Flow Rate {m3/s}
  ,                                                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
  DistrictHeating,                                         !- Component 1 Object Type
  RF Main Boiler,                                             !- Component 1 Name
  RF Main Boiler HW Inlet,                                    !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
  RF Main Boiler HW Outlet,                                   !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
  Active;                                                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type

On 25 September 2012 11:35, FrancescoP <direzionecontraria@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

Thank you for the advice.
I have drawn a scheme that represents how I understood the Jean Marais's idea: http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg6/scaled.php?server=6&filename=hotwaterloop2.jpg&res=landing
Is it correct?
I have upload the .idf file that I created to model it, but it doesn't work: HeatedFloorRecirculation2.idf http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/EnergyPlus_Support/files/_Problem_Submittals/
I am not able to model properly the connections between the water heater and the heated floor. In particular, the waterheater:mixed should be at the same time before and after the heated floor. How can I model the branches' order (BranchList)?
Do you know if there are examples that can help me, please?
I'm using the object ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:VariableFlow but the information about radiant system with constant flow will be extremely useful as well.
Best Regards

--- In EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Jean marais" <jeannieboef@...> wrote:
> Thanks Brent. I do remember that it is modeled with its own secondary loop. I've not checked the constant flow version for about a year. Can you set the "secondary loop" supply water temp? The systems I deal with in the field are variable mass flow, constant inlet water temp. I assume the constant flow model will have a variable inlet water temp.
> The way I look at it is the surface temp is actually the variable that you want to look at. A too hot floor will burn your feet (or create that feet to head temp variation which apparently is not comfortable), and a too cold surface will condensate.
> All the systems which exist in eplus also exist in life. Your situation may require the constant flow version. Variable flow is probably more difficalt in some respects and easier in others. I would advise reporting the surface temps and fluid velocities in the pipes to keep things as realistic as you can. Otherwise, you won't find the problem areas of your design.
> keep us posted how you get on.
> --- In EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Griffith, Brent" <brent.griffith@> wrote:
> >
> > Actually the model for the ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:ConstantFlow object essentially has its own little secondary loop built into it. So it can handle hotter or colder primary supply temperatures well.
> >
> >
> > From: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of jeannieboef
> > Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 9:58 AM
> > To: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > Subject: Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Re: Heated floor with recirculation
> >
> >
> > im the way you suggest (direct coupling) the entry water temp will be quite high/cool resulting in more extreme surface temps when extreme heating or cooling loads are present. This will artificially inflate the surface limited heattransfere capabillity of the system. Additionally, condensation cases for the cooling case will not be well represented.
> >
> > Sent from my iPhone
> >
> > On 24.09.2012, at 15:17, Vaibhav Jain <vaibhav.energyarchitect@<mailto:vaibhav.energyarchitect@>> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Jean: How about ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:ConstantFlow for radiant floor with re-circulation? Water heaters can be coupled to plant loop.
> >
> > Vaibhav Jain
> > www.vaibhavjain.co<http://www.vaibhavjain.co>
> >
> >
> >
> > On 24 September 2012 14:42, Jean marais <jeannieboef@<mailto:jeannieboef@>> wrote:
> >
> >
> > This is the next level in eplus expertise...welcome to the club.
> >
> > In my opinion, using the waterheater:mixed object as a plate-water-water heatexchanger is the easiest methode. The low-temp loop then is supplied by this tank.
> >
> > The concept is that the tank is a user (demand side) on the boiler demandside loop, but at the same time a source (source side) for the low-temp loop.
> >
> > Try get this to work with a simple 2 zone model, before expanding to the real building model.
> >
> > Goodluck.
> >
> > Jean Marais
> >
> >
> > --- In EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "FrancescoP" <direzionecontraria@<mailto:direzionecontraria@>> wrote:
> > >
> > > I have posted an image from the design drawings of the plant that I'm modelling: http://imageshack.us/a/img585/41/hotwaterloop.jpg
> > > In the plat there are both water radiators and heated floors. The supply temperature of the heated floors is lower than the supply temperature of the water radiator, although the boiler is the same. In fact, the heated floors have a specific secondary loop with water recirculation. What is the best solution to model such a configuration?
> > > I start modelling in DesignBuilder and then I develop the model in EnergyPlus.
> > > With Regards
> > > Francesco Passerini
> > >
> >


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