As I remember (another user found this message a few weeks
ago), this is because the item does not have an inlet node on the
loop. Please send your input file to the helpdesk -- we have
changed the error message to be more helpful, but I'm not sure it helps
all that much.
************* Beginning Plant
Sizing Calculations
** Severe ** Plant Node was not found on any plant
** ~~~ ** Node number: 118
** ~~~ ** ScanPlantLoopsForNodeNum:
called by MyPlantSizingIndex
** Warning ** Could not find COIL:COOLING:WATER with name
SPACE3-1 COOLING COIL on any plant loop
** ~~~ ** Autosizing of water flow
requires a cooling loop Sizing:Plant object
** ~~~ ** Occurs in
ZoneHVAC:FourPipeFanCoil Object=SPACE3-1 FANCOIL
** Fatal ** Preceding sizing errors cause
program termination
I already checked what "Plant Node" would be missing but had no
success. Does someone has some tip?