Hello,I have a problem with a detected severe error.the error is the following:GetSurfaceData: Construction INTERNAL WALLS of interzone surface BLOCK1:ZONE6_PARTITION_2_0_0 does not have the same number of layers as the construction INFRARED 14 FIRST of adjacent surface BLOCK1:ZONE14_PARTITION_4_0_10032** ~~~ ** ...this problem for this pair will not be reported again.But I am trying to correct it in the building surfaces detailed field.I know what the problem is;I have defined the partition of zone 6 as internal wall instead of infrared which in this case is "infrared 6 first".But when I correct it and run again the simulation, I have more errrors than before!What's going on??can you pleasse help me?I have attatceh my file to check!thank you..!!!