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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Ideal Loads Latent Cooling Rate

With an Ideal Loads simulation, you will specify the air (deg C) and 
absolute humidity (g water/g dry) 
This means that the simulation will compare these two properties to those of the outdoor air conditions so as to deturmine how much the air needs to be heated or cooled, humidified or dehumidified to reach the delivery air conditions that you specified. 

Latent load = energy of the water if the zone were at perfect design setpoint conditions (which you specify or which the program may assume) -

the energy of the current water amount at the current timestep zone temperature.

As people and other things can add or subtract water to the zone, the Latent Load may fluctuate. 


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On 22.02.2013, at 16:35, "simonflorian2002" <f.simon.mail@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Dear E+ User,

I have some difficulties to understand how is calculated the latent Energy/Rate for Ideal Loads air System. I'm using such a system, with humidification and deshumidification set to none, and yet, I found a "Ideal Loads Latent Cooling Rate". I thought that, with this setting, the sensible and latent cooling rates are the same, why are they different ?

Thank you.

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, Bloc1:Zone1 Ideal Loads Air, !- Ideal Loads Air Name
, !- Availability Schedule Name
Node Bloc1:Zone1 In, !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
, !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
35, !- Heating Supply Air Temp {C}
12, !- Cooling Supply Air Temp {C}
0.01, !- Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
0.01, !- Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
NoLimit, !- Heating Limit
, !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
NoLimit, !- Cooling Limit
, !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
Bloc1:Zone1 Heating Availability Sch, !- Heating Availability Schedule
Bloc1:Zone1 Cooling Availability Sch, !- Cooling availability schedule
None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
, !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
None, !- Humidification Control Type
, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
, !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
NoEconomizer, !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
None, !- Heat Recovery Type
, !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
; !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness


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