I modeled the GSHP system in Chicago. After exporting the variables as listed below, I found that the supplementary heater uses lots of electric power on 01/27 06:00:00. That reduced the efficiency of the GSHP system. Also, the VERTICAL GROUND HEAT EXCHANGER:Ground Heat Exchanger Outlet Temp is very low (1.033 degree C) from 01/26 20:00:00 to 01/27 05:00:00. I am not sure what causes the low water temperature from the ground loop. Can you help me out?
I modeled the GSHP system in Chicago. After exporting the variables as listed below, I found that the supplementary heater uses lots of electric power on 01/27 06:00:00. That reduced the efficiency of the GSHP system. Also, the VERTICAL GROUND HEAT EXCHANGER:Ground Heat Exchanger Outlet Temp is very low (1.033 degree C) from 01/26 20:00:00 to 01/27 05:00:00. I am not sure what causes the low water temperature from the ground loop. Can you help me out?
Zone/Sys Sensible Load to Heating Setpoint Predicted [W](Hourly)
WAHP SUPP HEATING COIL:Heating Coil Electric Power [W](Hourly)
VERTICAL GROUND HEAT EXCHANGER:Ground Heat Exchanger Outlet Temp[C](Hourly)
WAHP SUPP HEATING COIL:Heating Coil Electric Power [W](Hourly)
VERTICAL GROUND HEAT EXCHANGER:Ground Heat Exchanger Outlet Temp[C](Hourly)