I want to calculate the economic cost of a construction. I use for that the class "ComponentCost:LineItem"
For example, here glass wool, I use a key replacing the material's thickness of a
construction (@@1@@) which will take several values (0.1,0.2,0.3...). I want the cost for each value. My formula is : Cost(?/m²)= 326,,67*thickness + 2,83. How can I introduce it in the field "cost per area"? Here is my code, it returns me the severe error below:
** Severe ** ComponentCost:LineItem: "COSTGLASSWOOL" Construction object needs non-zero construction costs per square meter
** Fatal ** Errors found in processing cost estimate input
costglasswool, !- Name
, !- Type
Construction, !- Line Item Type
1, !- Item Name
, !- Object End Use Key
!- Cost per Each {$}
= @@1@@ * 326.67 + 2.83; !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
Thank you in advance for helping,
Mayeul FAURE