Thanks everyone for their comments. I didn't know about some of these things. Now, I have to ask Edwin. If it is so cool, why does no one do it? I'm guessing because people are afraid to share it. It is a shame, because I imagine that if the industry could rely on some open source stuff, that would be helpful for everybody in really profound ways. I am not sure why we don't embrace it because we are the perfect candidates. Never enough time or money, a really complex project, lots of data...not sure why it doesn't resonate and there is not already a serious movement towards open source. It should be more than just cool to post stuff and have people look at it. It should be full community engagement with a leader and deep conversations. Writing a text file is not that difficult, which is why I love energy plus. I'm sure lots of people have worked on pieces of code to do it. So I have to lead myself to the conclusion that the community doesn't know how to engage each other on this issue or generally feels threatened or worried to give stuff away. I do not know of a single open source repository for code to create idf files. I do know there is an open source fork of energy plus and Big Ladder works a lot on that.
Is there anyone out there who really believes in open source on this email thread? Can anyone even cite the mantras of Linus Torvold? I know I am getting nerdy here, and I don't mean to p- anyone off. Trying to do the opposite actually. Would the community benefit from an open-source type of mindset, and is anyone actually brave enough to post all their hard work on sourceforge?
I only know of a handful of people in this industry who are serious about open source, and they are in the minority. I only ask to see what kind of reactions I get, and if people are serious about it, I would set up a repository on the understanding that other people would contribute to it and actually check it out. I would be afraid of being used like a cheap blow up doll though. No one would actually contribute anything, just take and take. I'm assuming this is everyone's sentiment.
This is me from the outside, looking in. I only see a few EnergyPlus projects on source forge and none of them seem that well-developed. Am I wrong?