I do not think GSHP in E+ can be auto-sized so that you do need to create specific ground heat exchanger G-functions for a new/altered case. If the heating or cooling load change is small in your model. the originally used G-function might still cope with the new size, but if for any case the change is big, you will end up with simulation problems because of nonworking autosizing.
I have just recently tried to do pretty much the same thing youâ??re attempting, but I was using the Reference Building for retail. I have GLHEpro and used that for the vertical loop object; Iâ??m not sure if there is an alternative for autosizing that in E+. However, the other problem I had with the GLHE example file is that all of the other components were also of fixed size. I had to change all these objects, which I had copied in directly or modified to hook up to my own zones from the GLHE example file:
-Add Sizing:Plant for each water loop
-Add Sizing:System for air loop
-Autosize the airterminals
-CoolingCoil:Water (change to basic instead of detailed? this change is still giving me problems thoough)
-AirLoopHVAC ? design supply air flow rate
I got my system to meet the heating load, but when I tried changing the cooling coil it messed up my air loop autosizing, so Iâ??m still trying to figure that out. Do let me know if you end up getting it to work!
NEAL HUMPHREY | Senior Associate | 919.449.6879 | nhumphrey@...
ICF INTERNATIONAL | 9300 Lee Highway, Fairfax, VA 22031 | icfi.com