At first glance it looks right. Should the relative humidity inputs be fractional or percentage, i.e. 0-1 or 0-100?
I'm getting the following severe error for many air loops.
** Severe ** HVACControllers: Missing humidity ratio setpoint for controller type=Controller:WaterCoil Name="AIR LOOP 0TERRA MAG_UFF_SUD2 AHU/1 COOLING COIL CONTROLLER"
** ~~~ ** Node referenced (by controller)=AIR LOOP 0TERRA MAG_UFF_SUD2 SUPPLY SIDE OUTLET 1
** ~~~ ** use a SetpointManager with the field Control Variable = "HumidityRatio" to establish a setpoint at the controller sensed node.
The goal of those air loops is the dehumidification. The designers want to avoid that the RH is greater than 50% in all the zones that are supplied by the AHU.
I'm using the following objects:
Air Loop 0terra mag_uff_sud2 Controllers, !- Name
Controller:WaterCoil, !- Controller 1 Object Type
Air Loop 0terra mag_uff_sud2 AHU/1 Cooling Coil Controller; !- Controller 1 Name
Air Loop 0terra mag_uff_sud2 AHU/1 Cooling Coil Controller, !- Name
HumidityRatio, !- Control Variable
Reverse, !- Action
Flow, !- Actuator Variable
Air Loop 0terra mag_uff_sud2 Supply Side Outlet 1, !- Sensor Node Name
Air Loop 0terra mag_uff_sud2 AHU/1 Cooling Coil Water Inlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
autosize, !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
autosize, !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
0.000; !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
SM 0terra mag_uff_sud2, !- Name
Air Loop 0terra mag_uff_sud2, !- HVAC Air Loop Name
0.005, !- Minimum Setpoint Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.012, !- Maximum Setpoint Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SM 0terra mag_uff_sud2 Node List; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
SM 0terra mag_uff_sud2 Node List, !- Name
Air Loop 0terra mag_uff_sud2 Supply Side Outlet 1; !- Node 1 Name
A zone that is supplied by that AHU is 0terra:Magazzino:
0terra:Magazzino Humidistat, !- Name
0terra:Magazzino, !- Zone Name
Off, !- Humidifying Relative Humidity Setpoint Schedule Name
63; !- Dehumidifying Relative Humidity Setpoint Schedule Name
! Schedule: Relative humidity setpoint schedule: Always 50.00
63, !- Name
Any Number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00, 50; !- Field 4
Shall I use another kind of setpointmanager? I saw that SetpointManager:Scheduled:DualSetpoint works only with temperature (see the field â??Control Variableâ??); it doesn't work with humidity.